Chapter 156

Becca was extremely annoyed that Karen got carried away and forgot about their plan on making the king and queen come back together.

"If I had known that you wouldn't be serious with this, why did I look for a partner like you?" Becca asked with an angry voice that Karen had to rub his palm together and plead for forgiveness, it was all Andrew's fault. If he hadn't seen the guy he wouldn't have delayed their plan.

"I am sorry darling, I know it's my fault don't get angry at me please" Karen begged as he showed her his cutest face but Becca didn't buy it at all. His expression seems to be aggravating her anger.

"Did you know for how long mother has been waiting in that spot, I am sure that if I didn't come here you would still be busy chatting with Andrew. You guys saw each other this morning isn't it?, yet you still have something to gossip about" Becca spat all in one breath that Karen thought that she might get hypertension if he continue stressing and annoying her.