Chapter 163

Nathan's eyelashes fluttered open and He sat on the bed and ran a lazy hand over his hair, remembering that he has something important to do he hastily got up and walked towards the bath to clean up.

After bathing and wearing his robe, his hair was braided by the help of the maids since his wife was no where to be seen that morning. When he was done he saw the door knob opening and then his wife entered with a smile carved on her pretty face and a plate on her hand.

"Good morning husband, do you mind having rose delicious dish?" I asked in a funny manner and saw him shook his head. 'That's a good boy' I thought before placing the plate in his front. Nathan stared at my face and I wondered if I had anything on it,. "Your left cheek" he said as he began to eat.

"Oh" I mummured and cleaned up my cheek, "I have packed up things that you might need for the trip, it's in that black sack" I explained pointing towards the door where the black sack was placed