Chapter 188

The next morning was bright and the buns got up from the bed to go take their bath, when they were both done and served food by their grandma, they decided to leave because they had a message to deliver to their father that their grannies would be going on a journey.

"Take care gramps, we love you, ensure you come back safely okay?'"Kina mentioned as she waved at them, they also waved back with smile written all over their faces, when the two little buns were out of their sight,

"Ready?" Rose asked and Nathan nodded, she immediately shape shifted into her original form, making the dust rise as her talon hit the ground, Nathan had to cough because he breathed in the dust. He gently sat on the phoenix and wrapped his arm around its neck but the feathers kept getting into his nose and he couldn't help but sneeze, 'Poor man' rose thought as she flew away with her husband on top of her.