Chapter 18 (Jonathan and Megan) 

*Hey guys, please be reminded that every single event, place, and character remained fictional in this story.

Aubrey's opened her eyes to contact with a bright sun ray coming into the bedroom. Like usual she stretched up her body, and her movement pause at a warm, hard…er…thing? Wait is this a body?

Aubrey quickly turns her head to her left side. Her eyes widen in surprise at the figure she saw. Her mind went blank, and her eyes couldn't shift at the beautiful figure she saw.

"How is it a man be this perfect…look at his eyelashes, not too long and not too short…just perfect… His pointed nose, oh his rosy lips, just take one glance at it, it seems impossible to resist it" Aubrey sighed, checking Alessio's face. Her hands move around his face and mesmerize the touch under her hand.

Her hand halt at Alessio's lips, subconsciously she had put on a small peck on his lips. She smiled satisfying staring at Alessio's lips and dropped her head to Alessio's neck, this time her smile had turned into a snickering smile and placed her marks on his neck.

"Now that's fair," Aubrey said, and small gasps escape from her mouth.

"I didn't know I've bewitched Missy. Is it because of my handsome?" Alessio said, staring at Aubrey. He chuckled at Aubrey's shocking expressions, if he did not look carefully at her expressions, he would have missed those red ears.

"Ahem…Well, according to the agreement, you are mine lawfully. So, I can do whatever I want" Aubrey clear her throat and replied Alessio sassily.

"I won't deny the fact you're into me, missy. But I think someone's late for their class?" Almost immediately her head turns to have a glimpse at the clock.

"Oh my gosh, dammit…this is all your fault Alessio" Aubrey hurriedly to the walk-in closet and her mouth did not stop swearing at Alessio for making her late again.

Alessio chuckled, amusing. Clearly, it has made his day.

… … …

Afternoon, after class.

"Aubrey, you're late again?" Eric complained, looking at the figure approaching him.

"I am so sorry Eric. I promised you this will be my last time" Aubrey said apologetically.

"Fine but this is your second time already, what's wrong?" Eric asked concerning. Together they walked heading to the library for their meeting.

"Ah…Nah, everything is good…" Aubrey replied, staring at Eric, giving him a reassuring smile.

"If you need anything, Aubrey, don't hesitate to tell me, I'm always there," Eric said in his firm voice.

"Hey, what's with the serious tone… don't worry about me," Aubrey replied to him.


"Aubrey!" Megan called out from the door.

"Megan!" Aubrey greeted back, marching towards the Asian woman. Eric sighed in disappointment.

"Come on you guys, everyone is waiting for you"

Soon, they come into one of the discussion rooms in the library. It is a soundproof room where outsiders could not hear a word from the insides.

"Hey guys, here you are," Jonathan said. Jonathan, a man in his 20's, one of their lecturers.

"Hi, sir." Aubrey and Eric returned his greeting. Without wasting their time, they directly entered their meeting regarding the conference in New York soon.

Two hours later…

"So, this is it, I'll meet you guys next week and after that, we'll be heading to New York for the conference," Jonathan announced, leaving the room.

"I've gotta go too. Got football practice." Eric utters to them.

"Bye man. See you again" Both Aubrey and Megan waved at Eric, while Giana sends him off the door. After that, she closed the curtain and turns to them.

"So, how's your master plan, Aubrey" Giana asked excitedly.

"What master plan?" Megan questioned.

"My…my…dear Megan did not know. I thought you know everything." Giana rolled her eyes, replied sarcastically.

"Of course, I know everything but not about Aubrey…duh"

"Don't you know Aubrey is staying with the Devil?"

"Wait, you mean…Alessio Aldo?!" Megan exclaimed, placing a hand over her mouth.

"Hey, gurls I'm coming back" Jonathan voice up suddenly.

"Jonathan!" they exclaimed. Aubrey stroll towards him and hugged him.

"Aubrey, it has been a year," Jonathan said hugging her back.

"It is Jonathan, we've missed you," she said, distancing herself. Jonathan may be their lecturer for the outsiders but personally, he is their best friend, and no one should know about it except Eric.

Showing formality is only an act they put up to prevent unwanted rumours.

"Anyway, what are you guys talking about?"

"Well, Aubrey over here being a bad naughty girl, staying with the Devil herself" Megan revealed.

"You mean Alessio Aldo?" Jonathan raised his eyebrow.

"Yep, and she slept with him on the first day we've arrived here" Giana added the bomb.

"What?!" both Jonathan and Megan screamed.

"Hey, it's not a big deal, guys. Chill." Aubrey grins calming them down.

"You know this is no big deal girl. It's a risk" Jonathan warned.

"I know" Aubrey replied, drink her water.

"Then, what's this master plan Giana talked about?" Megan asked. Aubrey eyed Giana signalling her to explain it to them.

"Aubrey, this is dangerous. You know Aldo himself; he is not a man for you to deal with alone" Jonathan utters.

"I agree with Jonathan"

"To be honest, guys. I don't think it will be that bad as you guys expected. At least for now. Plus, keeping him nearby makes us easier to access more information about those traitors." Giana voice up to her reasons. However, that doesn't mean she did not worry about Aubrey safety, it's because she has faith in Aubrey.

"Yeah, I know, it will make our jobs easier. But have you guys thought of the consequences if he finds out about us?" Megan questioned them seriously.

"I believe Aubrey, you have your plan about this but what Megan said is true, you knew getting involved in Aldo's business is not as simple as it may seem. It was like jumping into the fire pit itself."

"Thus, that's why the bigger bet I put myself into, the bigger the sacrifice I have to make. Hence, I do not want any careless or foolish mistakes to happen on this matter. And telling you guys about this, I only have one purpose which is your cooperation. Do y'all understand?" Aubrey stared into their eyes, strictly with her lips sealed tightly.

"We are always there for you, Aubrey. We have made the oath from the moment we've met you."

They said simultaneously, in a grim voice.

"Good, any questions?" Aubrey flashed them a genuine smile.

"How about the master plan?"

"Consider it, my rewards for this task." Aubrey grin which they look knowingly at each other.
