"Zee Wake Up Already" Screamed my mom at the top of her lungs from downstairs.
My room was on the first floor and it was some amazing privacy for me.
"I'm up!" I replied with the same intensity of screaming.
We usually convey like this by screaming all the time when I'm up in my room making YouTube videos.
The truth was, I didn't sleep even a minute throughout the night, I was working on a special video for YouTube and did not realize how time flew by.
It Space Rocketed.
A 100$ a day from youtube doesn't sound bad, but I need to escalate it to a 1000$ quickly! Once I do that I'm financially free, and yeah I'll make my parents proud.
Just when I was deep in my thoughts of making my parents proud my mom intrudes in my room with a knock on the door.
"Get ready, already silly, you don't wanna get late on your first day at school." my beautiful mom said softly with a pan in her hand, she better not beat the shit out of me with it.
She was my only reason to keep going in life, conquering the world.
Of course, conquering means succeeding in life, as I was not Hitler or something.
Well if things escalate that way, I'm down to conquer the world too, Haha.
That's the way I am. Oh, I didn't introduce myself, I'm Zee. Just an ordinary boy who tops his class every year. Well, most of the time I do it, but sometimes I let some poor kids get a chance to top the class too. Well to be precise, just one poor girl whom I let surpass me sometimes. Suzie.
People even say I'm funny, which I don't agree with at all. They just laugh at my reaction to things or situations. Like, c'mon I'm not trying to be funny I'm just being me!
"Get up already kid or I'm gonna smash this plate on your face!" It was again my mom, but this time her tone wasn't soft and was holding a plate hehe. She was of course making us breakfast.
"Yea I'm sorry," I replied while getting off my blankets. It was a fine sunny day when I looked outside of my window. I got up, went to the bathroom, got ready, and as I was going downstairs, I once looked at the mirror.
Ah, it's been ages since I looked at myself in the mirror. Cute huh? Why do they think I'm cute? I'm not a kid anymore. Kids are supposed to be cute. Not men.
I had black hair, grey eyes, and a simple slim-fit body. I was good at studies and somewhat good at sports and yeah don't forget about youtube, I was earning already and that too at the age of 16. Wait a minute, is this all a girl wants in boys? Meh, I don't care. I shall better get going or this time a flying slipper is gonna hit me in the face.
I went downstairs, to the kitchen, where my dad was eating already.
"Hey Zeeee-ly silly, come my cutie have a seat." My dad told me while raising one of his arms waving at me as if I'm standing some miles away. That was his nature, he was jolly. It is good having a dad like that until you're pissed of at something and he starts going all out of his jolly nature and tries to make you speak. It pisses me just more, and then I lose my mind and speak rudely to him just to feel sad about it for days! Ah, that's depressing.
I love my dad, he's the best, he deserves a better son. Well, he's not getting another better son for real, he'll just have a better me in some years I guess haha.
"Hiya Dad," I replied with a soft tone to make him aware I'm not in the mood of going all the fun talks.
He just kept staring at me, while I sat down beside him.
"So gonna meet your girlfriends after a long time huh smarty?" He poked me with his elbow thrice, while saying it with a smirk on his face.
"Mom, ask your husband to behave pleeeeease." I cried like a child just to piss him off haha.
"Hey, watch out, I'm not scared of your M-O-M." He replied while looking at my mom who was still preparing my breakfast.
I realized I succeeded in pissing him off hehe.
"Say what HONEY!?" My mom spoke in a horrific tone while turning to my dad.
"Nothing honey, just kid- kidding," he replied as if he was really scared this time.
Well, they were just acting, after all these are the things that lighten up our moods. I like my parents so much!
So here it is, "Thank you, Mom!" These bread butter with tea are just so delicious.
Well, here we go, dad's off to work, "Bye Dad!"
"Bye Zee." He smiled and left.
Well, what was that thing he told me? My girlfriends huh? He of course doesn't think of me that way, he was just messing around with me. Well, being a bad boy and all is cool, but being good and respectful is a class! At least that's what I think, and at most, that is what matters right? Yea of course it does. I shall better leave for school now before it's too late.
I stood up, grabbed my bag which I had readied last night, and left for school.
I looked back once at the door of our house, there she was, my mom, waving at me as I walked. Of course, I waved back, also gave her a flying kiss, just like I used to do it when I was like 10 or something.
Here we go, in just 10 minutes of walking, I'm already at the school. I kept walking towards my classroom. It was on the third floor, the last floor of our school building.
It feels great to know that this is our final year at school, I'll miss my friends when we leave this school. I don't know why I'm thinking of it already, but yea that's what's going to happen.
I finally reached my classroom, I should better get in before the teacher arrives. I simply went in. Hmm, some students are looking at me, not all but some. That feels good, they might be following my videos on youtube.
"Hey Zee, the last video was awesome." Screamed Harry, the coolest popular boy in the class from the backbenches.
"Thanks, Harry," I replied while waving to him with a smile on my face as I walk towards my seat.
"And I joke a lot hahaha!" He burst out laughing at his joke, with some of his sidemen laughing too.
"Considering you're a joke yourself, I'll take it as a joke," I replied while keeping my bag on my seat, and resting my hip on the desk just to face Harry who was sitting on his desk at the back of the class.
The whole class was looking at us as if the two smart kids got different answers and are ready to argue.
"Well from a Virgin like you I would expect a reply like that," Harry spoke but in a serious tone this time.
"Well, you're right, I was a virgin until last night," I replied, planning a hard roast on him.
"What! jokes apart, you're not a virgin anymore seriously!?" He asked with the seriousness of his tone at his peak. Well, we were just friends, not best friends nor enemies. I still hated him for his bullying attitude.
"Well ask your sister!" I smirked while folding my hands, giving a cool look to Harry, he was pissed off! The atmosphere was getting hot now.
He controlled his rising anger, and spoke with a laugh, "Haha, you know I don't even have a sister right?"
"Well, WAIT FOR 9 MONTHS!" I buried him alive with a little laugh and the cool pose I had with folded hands towards him.
"Ohhhhhhhh" the whole class went when they realized how brutally he got roasted.
"Just chill Harry, you started it after all." I tried to comfort him. After all, I immediately start feeling bad if I make someone uncomfortable or make them feel bad or hurt. Ah, I wanna be cold-hearted.
"Yea yea, all cool Zee, that was a nice one tho haha." He replied, making the atmosphere back cool, and sat down on his seat.
There were no words left with him, look at his face, he got nothing to speak now haha, I should better sit down and wait for my only friend Ebu to arrive.
Yeah, Ebu is a weird name, but that's okay. We don't define people by their names, do we? He is my friend from the very start, from the beginning of school. How beautiful, from the beginning to the very end, the only best friend I have is this cute chubby fatty friend of mine, who likes to sleep even in between lectures. Well, he has nothing special in him, he's just a vibe to me. And I like him that way!
Here he comes. "Hey Zee, how are you doing? It's been long isn't it?" He said excitedly while comforting himself beside me.
"Yea it's been 12 hours since we last spoke, too long, isn't it?" I answered looking at him.
"Umm, hehe, you're still funny, that's great. Do you know where is Suzie tho?" Ebu asked.
"Oh c'mon I'm not funny, and why the heck will I ever know where Suzie is bruh!?" I emphasized it too much.
"C'mon after all she's your partner in cri... Oh, I mean rival in cri... Oh, I mean rival in studi...."
"Stop it already!" I intruded.
After a few minutes of chit chat, and there we go Suzie enters the classroom, and I noticed the entire class tried to have a glance at her, why the heck they do it, I agree, she is beautiful with that blonde hair and black eyes, but her nature is quite bad, she's obsessed with being the best, I mean, that's a good thing too, but I always surpass her in studies and maintain the top rank in the class. I mean except last year, where I let her surpass me on purpose, and I also mean by last to last year, where I felt she needs to top the class so that she gets some confidence in herself but it doesn't mean everyone has to be interested in her. I'm not jealous of course, like c'mon what's wrong with these people, wait a minute why is she walking towards me.
"Hey Zee, looking at your face I make an outcome that you've started studying already at home." She asked curiously while sitting on the seat in front of me.
Look at this girl, a moment ago, the entire class was looking at her while she entered, and she's interested in me, I mean, my preparations, guess what? You'll never know Suzie, keep wondering, besides this year is the final year, and I'm gonna claim my top rank back!
"C'mon Say, something weirdo." She looked at me straight in the eyes as she sat down on the seat.
Amongst all these, there was this stupid Ebu, who's constantly poking me with his elbow, thinking he'll make me blush in front of my sole opponent!
"Stop it already Ebu, I'm a cold-hearted shit don't you know?" I said while looking him straight into the eyes.
"No, you're not, haha, stop acting." Ebu laughed.
"And Suzie you, keep trying. I'm not spitting out my strategies, especially to you!" I said, raising my voice.
"Well, I already know them, haha, now keep wondering, how I got to know em and try getting it out of me you kiddo." She replied with a smile and turned her back towards me, opening her maths book.
"Wha... WHAT! How dare you do that to me. Don't you care about what I just told you? Aren't you curious of my strats?" Raising my voice was sudden, I didn't do that, it happened automatically, and yeah some guys around us started laughing at me.
She didn't speak a word, and started solving some sums, damn! She ignored me like trash! Ahhh, she got me! Well anyway, I'm not losing to you, Suzie!
A minute after this, Enters a girl whom we've never seen before, she's gorgeous, but her face, it seems dull, it's beautiful but seems like she's been hurt, her eyes, they're blue as the sky, but they're dull too, her clothes, they're pretty yet dusty. She's Beautiful, maybe cute? Oh no, what am I thinking? Cute? Meh! I don't care! But... That girl walked straight without a single word and sat at the corner of the classroom at the last bench.
Is this what we call Cute, maybe... I don't care! What would be her name? Should I ask her? Just for some information, Haha.
And suddenly just as she sat, she raised her head and guess what? She looks straight into my eyes from that corner of the classroom! I could see her eyes glow. How do I stop looking at her?
DAMN! She's beautiful. You know what? Let's forget being this cold-hearted person for some time now haha.
Chapter 1 Ends
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