The screams woke him up. One moment, it felt like he had just fallen asleep. The next moment he found it impossible to sleep, not when someone, 'Kathy'. It was Kathy screaming bloody murder. His eyes opened and Yuri sat up in a panic, only to find Kathy near the foot of the bed, plastered against the wall, accusation in her gaze.

" What's wrong? " - Yuri asked. He automatically checked the time as he spoke and bit back a groan when he saw it was just a few minutes past six in the morning.

'Damn', Yuri thought. Since he hadn't risked taking his pills last night, sleep had only been able to claim him exactly forty-five minutes ago.

" How could you? " - Kathy, whispered.

Her shrill scream made his head pound, and Yuri wondered if perhaps this unexpectedly shrewish attitude from Kathy meant he was still dreaming. But the fantasy only lasted for a second, Yuri's pragmatic mind not allowing him the luxury of illusions. With a sigh, he refocused on Kathy, who was still looking at him like a mass murderer.

" How could I what, Kathy? " - Yuri asked.

Whipping the covers off his body, he started to stand only to have Kathy screaming again. Incredulous, Yuri froze.

" I haven't even done, Kathy. " - Yuri said.

" Don't lie! I woke up and felt that! " - Kathy, said. Pointed a furious finger at him.

" You want to take advantage of me! " - Kathy, added. Yuri stared at her.

" Have you lost your mind? " - Yuri, asked. He wasn't sure if he was seriously asking the question, but he couldn't think of anything else that would explain her actions.

" You. Want. To. Take. Advantage. Of. Me! " - Kathy, said while stabbed the air with her finger again.

This time, he followed her gaze, and that was when Yuri realized she was pointing at his cock. His fully aroused cock, which of course made a rather formidable bulge against his sweatpants. The realization had Yuri flushing for the second time in his life. Kathy was still looking at his cock like it was some damn monster out to devour her, and fuck it, but her reaction made him feel embarrassed and even more aroused.

Before he could ask Kathy to calm down, he heard MJ's worried voice outside the door.

" I heard screams. " - MJ, said.

'Shit!', Yuri thought. MJ was probably doing the morning rounds with Aria as part of the latter's training. A knock sounded on the door.

" Are you guys, okay? " - MJ, asked again. But the doorknob was already turning even she speaking.

" MJ, dont..! " - Yuri, said. But it was too late. The door opened, revealing MJ and Aria. Kathy opened her mouth.

" You will not say a word. " - Yuri whispered. He glared at his fianceé.

She glared back at him, and if he hadn't been so frustated and irritated at how things were turning out, Yuri would have been proud of her. It was the first time she had shown any sign of temper, and for Kathy, temper was a good thing. Temper meant she was gaining more confidence, and that was a step closer towards her leading a normal life. Kathy looked at her new friends.

" My Grandmother warned me about this, and I'm heartbroken and disappointed that Yuri has become what Grandmother warned me about. " - Kathy, said. MJ looked at Aria in confusion.

'What was Kathy talking about?', MJ whispered. Aria shrugged in response. 'Beats me?'.

Feeling like she had to play diplomat even though she couldn't even figure out what Kathy and Yuri were at odds about.

" What did your grandmother warn you about? " - MJ, asked awkwardly.

Yuri's teeth gnashed when Kathy stabbed the air again with an accusing finger pointing in his direction.

" Damn it! Kathy! " - Yuri, said.

" He tried to take advantage of me while we were sleeping! My grandmother told me how to find out about this, and he has it. " - Kathy, said.

Like Yuri, MJ and Aria eventually realized the answer lay in Kathy's eyes. They followed her gaze. Yuri cursed. MJ gaped and Aria started to laugh.

" What are you.. " - Kathy said perplexed.

" Out! " - Yuri, said. He snapped at the two other girls.

" Yes, sir. " - MJ, said.

Mostly out of habit since before she was Helios wife, she had been one of the many volunteers who had worked in the club. Aria, however, wasn't, and neither was she as tactful as MJ. She simply laughed harder and even as MJ quickly pulled the door shut, Yuri could still hear her laughter.

Knowing Aria, he was grimly certain that the incident would have made the rounds in the entire club by the time he went down for breakfast with.. His gaze swung back to Kathy.

" Kathy.. " - Yuri, said. He took a step towards her.

" No! " - Kathy, said. She pointed at his cock accusingly.

" Stop pointing, and Stop looking. " - Yuri, said. He growled.

" Then, make it stop moving and growing! " - Kathy, said.

" Oh, for God sake! " - Yuri, said.

Looking down, he willed his arousal to die. He willed his cock to wilt like a goddamn flower, but it was impossible. It continued to thrust demandingly against his sweatpants, and it would probably stay that way for as long as Kathy kept staring at it.

" I can't. " - Yuri, said. He threw his hands up.

Kathy looked like she was torn between anger and betrayal. Staring at her, his frustration, caused mostly by lack of sleep, eventually faded, and Yuri began to appreciate just how damn crazy the entire situation was. He looked at Kathy and said her name gently. When her wary gaze met his.

" Remember who I am. Remember what I promised. " - Yuri said in the same, gentle tone. He waited patiently for his words to take effect and after a full minute had passed, he saw the tension gradually leave Kathy's body.

" Grandmother said I felt that part of the man's body, it meant he wanted to take advantage of me and that I had to scream for help. " - Kathy, said. She chewed her lip.

" Only, with you, I wasn't screaming for help. I was screaming because I felt angry and... Disappointed. " - Kathy, added.

Yuri wondered if he should curse or thank Kristina Rewis for her lessons. Glancing back at Kathy, he kept his voice mild as he pointed out.

" But I'm not just any man, sweetheart. Your Grandmother was right to warn you, but it was a warning for other men, for those who weren't your fianceé. You understand, right? " - Yuri, said.

He kept silent and still while Kathy looked at him, a myriad of emotions in her eyes as she contemplated his words. Finally, she nodded. He took one small step towards her. All he wanted was to see if she would let him get close to her, but Kathy being her usual brave self, he saw her take a deep breath before she went running towards him.

She was in his arms the next moment, her arms around his neck, her head against his chest, and his still engorged cock now throbbing against her belly. 'Fuck!', he thought. Now she really was going to think he was about to take advantage of her. But instead Kathy ended up stunning him.

" If.. This.. Doesn't mean you're going to take advantage of me, then what is it for? " - Kathy, asked.

Yuri closed his eyes, 'How the hell did he explain something like this to someone like Kathy?'.

" It means.. " - Yuri, said. He paused, trying desperately to make his cock a little less arouse, but it only served to throb more powerfully against Kathy's belly.

'Ah, Fuck!', he thought.

" When two people who...truly care for each other... " - Yuri, said.

" Like you and me? " - Kathy, whispered. He nodded.

" Like you and me, " - Yuri paused.

" When...this...happens it means he wants her and that he wants her to feel...good. " - Yuri, said. He could feel her confusion.

" Did you feel good when we kissed last night? " - Yuri, asked.

His cock jerked as if punctuating his question. Kathy stiffened against his body in response, but it only made his cock throb more insistently against her. 'Damn it to hell', he thought. He might just die of sexual frustration. Kathy whispered something against his chest. He lowered his head automatically.

" What is it, sweetheart? " - Yuri, asked.

" I said... " - Kathy paused. Her voice was huskier and a bit more audible this time.

" I can't remember feeling any better than when you kissed me. " - Kathy, added.

His eyes closed. He was absolutely going to die of sexual frustration after this.

" I see. " - Yuri, said. His voice was thick with need.

" Then, that's how, ah, this is going to make you feel, too.. " - Yuri, added. He paused.

" But only if you want the man, if you only want me back. " - Yuri, said.

He decided it was important to make it clear it was his cock they were talking about. Again, her gaze searched his.

" If I want you back? " - Kathy, asked. He nodded.

" How do I know if I want you back? " - Kathy, added.

" You feel..things. " - Yuri, answered.

" What things? " - Kathy, asked. Her forehead furrowed.

" Can I search this on the Internet? " - Kathy, added.

" Err.. No. " - Yuri, said.

This lie, he absolutely did not regret. Yuri mentally shuddering at what kind of sites Kathy would end up visiting if she ever decided to look up 'cock' on the Internet. A full-fledged frown marred her lovely feautures as she asked almost demandingly.

" Then, what? " - Kathy, asked.

'God help him', he thought. He really had to spell it out? Yuri looked down at Kathy and realized that 'yes' he did had to spell it out.

" Well, your breast... " - Yuri, said.

Kathy pulled away at his words and he allowed her, his arms falling back to his sides.

" My breast? " - Kathy, asked. He nodded.

" They would feel...swollen. " - Yuri, said.

His overactive mind matched his words with vivid fantasies of Kathy revealing her breast.

" And your pussy. " - Yuri, said. Kathy blinked several times.

" My cat? " - Kathy, confused.

He wanted to laugh and kill himself at the same time. Who would have thought talking about female body parts would be this agonizing and arousing at the same time?

" The part between your legs. " - Yuri, said hoarsely. He watched her look down.

" It should feel like it's wet and swelling. " - Yuri, added.

Even before he finished speaking, her hands starting to move, and he shut up. She cupped her breast.

'Fuuuuuuuuck!!!!', he thought.

Her hands moved down, and then she was running her fingers over her pussy.

'Fuuuuuuuuck again!!!', he thought.

Her gaze went back to his.

" I'm not wet and nothing in my body is swelling. " - Kathy, said. She looked at him sadly.

" I don't want you or your cock, Yuri. " - Kathy, said.

'Well, fuck!', he thought. Having seen her touch herself, it was the opposite for him. Yuri shooked his head.

" Never mind. " - Yuri, said.

He gestured to his en-suite bathroom.

" It's time for you to take a shower, and then we can join the others for breakfast. " - Yuri, said. He managed to keep still until Kathy was safely ensconced inside the shower.

He sank back into his bed and bent forward, elbows on his knees. 'What the hell was going to happen now?', he thought. He wanted Kathryn Ice Rewis like he had never wanted any other women. He wanted her even though she deserved so much more than him.