Stunning views of the beach lay outside the upscale restaurant the Alcolyte Triad had rented out for their celebratory dinner, and the sound of the biker's laughter often rang out in the night.

Seated with the rest of the officers, Yuri squeezed his fianceé's hand under the table and whispered her name.

She turned to him in askance.

" I'm just going to get a drink from the bar, okay? "

" Okay. "

But she still stood up when he did, and the entire table laughed.

It had been like this since this afternoon, with Kathy not letting him out of her sight even for a second. He opened his mouth, intending to ask her to stay.

But then Yuri caught a glimpse of her fear-shadowed eyes and offered Kathy his hand instead.

Her eyes shone as she took took it.

As they walked towards the bar, he told her lightly. " You know it can't always be like this. "

She only nodded, and by now he was beginning to understand that it was Kathy's own way of being stubborn.

" What if you go to school? "

She blinked at him. " You will go to school with me. It's your school, too. "

He opened and closed his mouth, deciding wryly that now was not time to tell her it couldn't always work that way. " Never mind. We can talk about this next time. "

If it were only up to him, he wouldn't have minded one bit if Kathy stuck to his side the entire time. But it wasn't. He had to think of Kathy, and he knew he could only let this go on for so long.

Back at the table, Yuri's phone buzzed an hour later, and he frowned when he saw it was Simon Corba again. Bending his head towards Kathy, he lied. " I need to go to the men's room. " He didn't want to risk having her accidentally over hear his conversation with the doctor.

" Okay. "

But when he stood up, she did so as well.

" Kathy. "

She only stared at him, unblinking, but her body was trembling, and that was enough for him.

Yuri pushed his still-vibrating phone back into his pocket and offered her his hand. " Come with me? "

She took his hand wordlessly.

He went to the restroom, staying for a few seconds before coming out.

Wild relief flashed in her eyes before the usual serene mask fell on Kathy's face.

Wordlessly, he pulled her close to him and pressed a kiss on her forehead. " What am I going to do with you? "

Her arms wrapped around his neck. " Just don't leave me, " she whispered. " please? "

Tipping her chin up, Yuri kissed her hard. " I won't leave you. I love you. " After sending Kellion a message about not going back to their table, he took Kathy with him back to their hotel room.

" Early night for you. " He said at her puzzled look.

Her gaze was wary. " You'll have an early night, too. "

" Yes. "

When they reached their room, they changed clothes while facing each other, her gaze following his every movement. Kathy was so afraid of him leaving that his nudity didn't seem to register on her.

If only he could say the same for himself.

By the time they were done changing, he was aching like hell and wondering how he would last night. She had never refused his touch, but it felt crass as hell if he tried making love to her now.

" Yuri? "

" Yes, sweetheart? "

She offered him his toothbrush while watching him with wide, fearful eyes through the vanity mirror.

Taking it, he stood next to her, asking. " Let's brush our teeth together? " He knew he had said the right thing when she visibly relaxed.

" Okay. "

And so they did, but even so Kathy's fingers held the hem of his shirt tightly throughout.

In bed, they faced each other, her eyes still wary and her body stiff.

" You have to trust me sooner or later. You know you can't watch me the entire time. "

" I know. " Kathy's voice was unusually stilted, her fears ruining its perfect cadence. " I'm going to try. "

As was typical of the Alcolyte, rooms had been booked at the finest hotel in the area and each officer having a suite of his own. But the tension in the air obliterated the luxurious elegance of their surroundings, and in Yuri's eyes, everything was as dark and dreary as the shadows that still haunted Kathy.

Feeling a gnawing need to make her feel less terrified, he heard himself offer. " Do you want to hear a bedtime story? "

Her surprise was palpable, but her tone was cautious as she answered. " Okay. "

Great. He had only been testing, but of course Kathy would say yes. He cleared his throat. " Once upon a time, there was a boy. He was very handsome boy named... " His creativity failing him, he decided to switch his name around and finished. " Riyu. "

A soft giggle escaped her.

He took comfort from that.

" And there was a princess whose name was... "

" Icka? " (AY-KAH) Kathy guessed solemnly.

" Now, how did you know that? " He drawled, but in his mind he want to rumble her named.

She giggled again, and he found himself treasuring the sound. He would tell her bedtime stories every damn night if that was what it took to make her forget his stupid, careless mistake.

" Now, these two met when they were both children, but because Riyu's father was a very difficult man, the boy had to leave the girl temporarily. He needed to rescue his sister and take her to a faraway land where she would be safe. " He paused. " Guess what the sister's name is? "

" Liha! "

He tweaked her nose. " What a bright girl you are. "

Another giggle, and her eyes were sparkling with merriment as she asked. " What happens next? "

" Now, when the queen. The princess grandmother died, the boy went immediately to the princess kingdom so he could be there if she needed his help. "

" Did she need his help? "

He raised a brow at Kathy. " You tell me, sweetheart. Did she need his help, you think? "

Slowly, she shook her head, surprising him.

" You think the princess could live alone in her castle? "

She said quietly. " Yes. " Her gaze sought his. " But the princess wouldn't be happy. That's why she went with the boy. What she needed wasn't his help. She needed to be loved. "

" Ah. "

" And they lived happily ever after. "

Kathy gasped. " That's it? "

" Yes, because I need to kiss you now. " It was all the warning she had before he dragged her to him, his fingers fisting in her hair as he conquered her mouth. He kissed her hard and deep, but it wasn't enough, and with the way Kathy was whimpering and kissing him back feverishly, it didn't seem enough for her either.

Rolling to his back, he placed her on top of his body without breaking the kiss. His hands rushed down her body, his own jerking in acute response as he palmed her tender, swollen breasts.

" Kathy. " Wrenching his mouth off her, he lifted her up until her breast dangling over her face. Their gazes clashed, his blue eyes burning with need while hers were clouded with desire. And then he pulled one silk-clad nipple into his mouth and bit hard.

She screamed, and her hands gripped his head as he started to suck.

" Yuri. " She was rubbing herself against him, pushing her breast deeper into his mouth, and her pussy started driving his dick crazy.

He had her nightgown up her waist, her legs completely bared, when he realized what he was doing. Forcing his hands to still, he released her nipple and shook his head at her.

" Kathy. " His voice was strained with barely leashed need.

" It's too soon... "

Her mouth ground down at his, taking Yuri by surprise. And then she was whispering shakily, pleadingly against his lips. " Don't stop? "

Yuri's restraint broke.

Clothes were strewn on the floor in seconds, and then Yuri and Kathy were completely naked. Seeing the way Kathy was staring wide-eyed at him, he forced himself to keep still, giving her all the time in the world to look at him or change her mind.

" It is moving again. " She slowly reached to touch it, and he groaned as her fingers wrapped around his length. And then she was moving her fingers, stroking him up and down, and Yuri knew if he allowed this to continue, he would be spent before he got to her pussy.

Yuri gasped her wrist, forcing it to keep still. " No more. " He rasped out.

" You don't like it? " She asked sadly.

He laughed hoarsely, knowing if it had been any other girl, the question would have been coy. " It's not that, sweetheart. It's because I like it too much that I have to stop you. "

" I don't understand. "

" If you make me come, I won't have the strength to make you come. "

" Oh. " Kathy chewed on her lip then said decisively. " You must take more vitamins then. I will call Doctor... "

He kissed her to shut her up, kissed her even as he laughed, and both were something he had never enjoyed with any other girl. Everyone had been to his bed had all just been nameless face and bodies to Yuri. He had wanted to relief that sex brought, and they had coveted the privileges that went with fucking an officer of the Alcolyte Triad.

But with Kathy, everything, every moment, every gasp, and every caress was special. He wished he could burn each second indelibly in his memories. The way her violet eyes clung to him, the way her lips parted in surrender, the way her slender body move sinuously against his.

He kissed his way down slowly, savoring every inch. He pressed tender kisses to her lids, and her eyes closed. He nuzzled her nose with his before moving to her ears, and she whimpered as he followed the swirls with his tongue.

" Yuri. " Her tone was filled with awe and need, and his dick was fit to explode at the mere sound of it.

He moved to her lips, nibbling them and then sucking on her lower lip hard. His tongue forayed inside her mouth, reclaiming every inch.

" I love you. "

With every kiss, he tried to convey the words that were still hard for him to say.

And it was as if she heard him, her hands cupping his face when he lifted his mouth from hers.

" I love you. " She said simply.

A vow of stark simplicity that he knew Kathryn Ice Rewis would carry to her grave.

Love was forever in Kathy's book.

" I love you. " He didn't think he would ever be worthy, but he wouldn't mind spending the rest of his life trying to earn it.

His mouth trailed down, and he spent more than a few moments exploring the tender, sensitive side of her neck. " Can I mark you? " He murmured.

" What does it mean? "

He smiled against her skin. " I'll show you. " He sucked on a spot until it was red with his kiss.

When he lifted his head, she asked breathlessly. " It's done? "

" Yes. " Blue eyes gleamed with possessive satisfaction.

" May I mark you next time, too? "

" Of course. "

" Will you teach me or should I ask...? "

" No. " His frown darkened. " I think I should make something clear. Every inch of your body is mine, " he said emphatically. " because you love me and I love you. "

" Oh. " Her eyes were wide.

" So if someone tries to touch you, or kiss you, that's a bad thing. "

She nodded solemnly. " I understand. " Her eyes narrowed. " But it will be the same for you, too. "

He grinned. In this sense, Kathy was like any other woman. " I'm all yours, sweetheart. " He looked down, his tone musing as he asked. " Now, where was I? "

" You just finished marking my neck, " she said helpfully. " like a vampire. " She added after a pause.

" Ah. Thank you for the reminder. " His shoulders rocked with silent mirth. " I'll continue from here then. " He slowly drew a line from the side of her neck to her collarbone, and his lips curved when he felt her body tremble at his touch.

Bending his head, he did the same thing again, this time with his mouth.

" Oh, Yuri. " A soft sigh as her hands settled on his shoulders.

His mouth moved further down and his hands joined in then, cupping her breast to fondle and squeeze them.

" Oh, Yuri. " A breathless gasp, just as her nails dug into his back.

He didn't bother with preliminaries and gave them what they both wanted.

He started sucking her nipple hard, and a second later Kathy was responding, pushing herself closer to him in a restless urge for him to keep doing it.

After doing the same to her other nipple, he continued with his leisurely exploration of her body, caressing her flat stomach before moving down and breathing on the triangle of flesh between her legs.

The air from his mouth fanned her sensitive, glistening folds, and Kathy's entire body shuddered.

" Yuri. " A whimper that turned into a drawn out moan as he traced her folds, gently then rhythmically. When he started writhing, he took it as his cue, dipping one finger inside her pussy.

She buckled against him, and her gaze met his wildly. " Yuri? " Her voice begged for an explanation.

" It's alright, sweetheart. " He said thickly. " Just trust me. " Locking his gaze with hers, he started pushing his finger in and out of her. She remained tense at the first few strokes, but her body gradually softened as the tightness of her pussy eased and the friction created by his finger fucking faded.

" Yuri. Oh, Yuri... " Her breathy whimpers spurred his arousal, and it was all he could do not to think of how he could fuck her as hard as her fingers were digging into his back again.

When her legs fell open, he slid a second finger in, and when her hips started rising and falling to meet his strokes, he began fisting her.

" Aaaah. " She fell back against the bed, her head turning left and right while her fingers gripped the bed sheets. Her hips continued to pump in the air, and when he increased the pace of his thrusts, her hips sought to match his speed, her movements frenzied.

And then she was coming with a scream.

As Kathy shuttered, Yuri swiftly reversed their positions, knowing that this was the optimal time to take her virginity. In a few moments, he was on his back and she was straddling him while her essence continued to pour out of her pussy.

He impaled her on his dick and slowly but steadily pushed her down until he tore through her hymen.

It was quick and painless, but it was also startling and different, and he saw Kathy stiffen at the shocking fullness inside her.

Her clouded gaze sought his. " Y-Yuri? "

" I'm inside you now, sweetheart. " Tiny tremors continued to rock her body in the aftermath of her release, and every tremor made his dick pulse hungrily inside her.

" I f-feel weird. "

His smile was strained. " It will get better. " All his efforts were focused on not moving until he was certain she had properly adjusted.

" And so full. "

" You have nothing to worry about. " His jaw clamped hard at the way she was staring at their joined bodies.

Moments ticked by, both of them still except for his twitching dick and the contracting muscles inside her pussy.

And then slowly, he felt it.

Kathy sinking deeper so she could take more of his dick.

" Thank God. " He growled. Her eyes flew to him in surprise just as his hands clamped on her hips. " Now, " he told her roughly. " I'll make you see stars. " He figured it was better than telling her he intended to fuck the brains out of both of them.

And he did.

Years of bike racing and stunt practices had built his muscles over the years, and he had no problems lifting Kathy up and down on his dick until she caught his rhythm and began riding him.

" Oh, Yuri. " Her eyes were closed, and there was a look of ecstasy on her face. " It's so... gooood... "

" And it's going to be better. " He promised tautly just before he reached between their bodies. He found her clitoris and gave it a tweak.

Kathy threw her head back and screamed.

She rode him wildly then, grinding her pussy down on his cock as hard as she could, and he was more than happy to have her use him. Any way she wanted him would give her pleasure.

" Y-Yuri, I f-feel it again. "

The way she stammered when she was about to come was too damn sexy, and his fingers tightened reflexively against her hips.

" Yuri. "

" Come. " He commanded.

" Yeeeeeeees! " She came with a shudder in her eyes rolled back.

Yuri didn't stop thrusting in and out of her even as Kathy fell limply against his body. In moments, he had found release as well, and he growled her name as he filled her pussy with his cum.

When he opened his eyes, he realized he had fallen asleep, and Kathy had, too. His half-erect dick was still inside of her, through, and he had to swallow back a groan at how exquisitely tight she felt when he reluctantly pulled out of her.

She stirred when he gently laid her on the bed, but her eyelids didn't drift open. Getting up, he took a quick shower, and after wetting a hand towel under the shower, he went to Kathy and cleaned her up.

This time, her eyes fluttered open, drowsily. " Yuri? "

" Just cleaning you. " He whispered.

But by the time he finished, he was rock hard again and without a word, he arranged himself on top of her and slid his dick inside of her.

" Oh, Yuri. " Her arms went around his neck as she surrendered her body to his possession.

This time, their love making was so slow and leisurely, but the orgasm was just as powerful, and Yuri had a feeling it would always be like that. His need for her hadn't wanted at all. If anything, he hungered for her more, now that he knew how passionate she could be in his arms.

After cleaning themselves for the second time, he slid into bed with her and pulled the covers over them.

Kathy immediately rolled towards him. " Drink your pills. " She said sleepily.

He hesitated then decided to do as asked. It would be nice to have a good night's sleep for once, especially since he had a rest of the weekend to look forward to.

Yuri slept, thinking of all the ways and places he could fuck Kathy.

But when Yuri woke, it was to the sound of her screams.