Leo filled in the gasp while they waited in the hallway outside the hospital room where Kathy was sleeping, the doctors forced to put her under when she continued to struggle and cry despite Yuri desperately telling her no one was going to hurt her. And the doctor told Yuri that Kathy is pregnant and the baby is safe now.

" After Kathy told me her suspicions and I got in touch with her law firm, the first evidence we found against Lily Anne Smith was when we reviewed the CCTV footage at the hotel. "

" But we've reviewed that as well. " Helios said, frowning.

" Not the footage I reviewed. I'm assuming you checked the footage during the night of the incident and forward. What we reviewed was the footage prior, and that's when we found out about the room attendant Lily bribed to let her in and leave the message on the mirror. She had left similar messages on whatever glass surface there was in the room. She wanted to increase the chances that Kathy herself would see them. "

" Finally, she learned about which pre-booked room was Yuri and Kathy. She flirted with a member of our club and got the information out with pillow talk. "

Helios face went grim. It was the first time a member of the Alcolyte Triad had engaged in such an act of betrayal.

" From there, it was pretty easy to trace her calls, and that was when we found out about the connection between Dr. Simon Corba and Lily Anne Smith. We also found out about another volunteer here, Claire Jane Tamara. Lily paid her a substantial amount to whisper another supposed message from the dead and, afterwards, to strangle Lily and make it seem like Kathy had strangled her. "


Leo looked at Yuri, asking harshly. " Don't you have anything to say? And yet Kathy is pregnant. "

" No. " Yuri's voice was polite. " I have nothing to say. " Because what was there to say?

He had it all wrong.

When everyone had left, that was the only time he entered Kathy's room, taking his usual seat beside her bed. He closed his eyes, and weariness claimed him. When he opened his eyes, he found her awake and staring at him.

He shot up in his seat. " How do you feel? Are you hungry? Tell me. I'm so happy that we have a baby. "

She didn't say anything.

" Do you want me to call a nurse, sweetheart? "

Slowly, Kathy shook her head.

He swallowed. " I want to tell you a story, sweetheart. " His fists clenched. The story was the truth, and he told her about the first time they had met and how he had lied about loving her. When he finished, he saw that a single tear had tracked down her cheek. He reached out to wipe it away, but she jerked away and his hand fell.

" Kathy, please... "

Another tear fell.

" I'm so sorry, please forgive me, sweetheart... "

She only looked at him.

" I love you, Kathy. "

Slowly, she shook her head.

" You don't believe me? "

A third tear fell, but she still didn't speak.

The next day he took her home, and she was silent the entire time, her eyes never meeting his, her body jerking every time he was too near. Hallie carried a tray of food to Kathy while Yuri went down to join the other members of the Alcolyte Triad.

He looked down at his food.

He remembered the times she had made him bentos.

He remembered the time she had made everyone bentos.

But under the bittersweet memories, darker visions emerged.

Of a pale-faced child called it, who had been starved for food and affection.

That was Kathy.

That was the girl who had loved him.

That was the girl he had almost broken.

Food equals Love.

Had Kristina told him that? Or was it the flight attendant? Or perhaps Kathy herself.

He could no longer remember.

All Yuri knew was that he did not deserve...this.

This plate that was so easily placed in front of him when for so many years Kathy had fought for a bite of garbage.

This...being Kathy's selfless love, which she had given to him without question and complete trust.

Trust he had violated.

He pushed the plate away.

The pain consumed him, and he realized dully this was probably how Kathy had felt when she thought he would leave her. When she discovered he was sending her away. Her heart had been ripped open and the pain was so terrible she no longer cared who saw or heard her.

In front of everyone, bikers and volunteers, Yuri Daniel Athanas wept.


Hallie knocked on Kathy's door. " Dinner's here. " There wasn't any answer, but she didn't expect one. Kathy had been home for over a week, but she hadn't spoken a word except to ask if she could go back home.

" I just want to go home, Hallie. Please. I want to continue my pregnancy there in Greece. "

And every time, she had to turn Kathy down.

Inside Yuri's suite, she found Kathy seated by the window, a blank sketchpad before her.

" You still haven't drawn anything for your next bento? Congratulations to both of you, by the way. You are going to be a parent soon. Can't wait to see and hold my nephew or niece. " Hallie asked and congratulate as she placed Kathy's dinner tray on the table while the other girl set her pad and pencil asides.

" Maybe I can help. " She suggested.

This time, she was surprised when Kathy answered her. " Maybe? " Her voice was rusty.

Hallie fought back tears as hope sprang inside her, tiny but fierce. Please God. Please let this be what I'm waiting for.

As Kathy ate, she kept a steady, soothing stream of conversation, and once in a while the other girl would answer. With every answer, hope blossomed. As she started clearing the plates, Hallie said carefully. " Do you know Yuri has started fasting? "


" Is that why...he has become thin? "

Hallie swallowed. " He's punishing himself. He told me that food for you is love, and since he withheld his trust and love from you, he's withholding food from himself as punishment. "

A slow blink.

" I don't understand. "

Hallie's smile was teary. " I don't either. Men are weird. " She placed the tray on the console behind her then went back to the table.

" Kathy? "

" Yes. "

Hallie went down on her knees and, holding the other girl's hands, she asked shakily. " Are you never going to forgive my brother? Just for the sake of your unborn child. "

" I...don't...know. "

She tried to think of a way to make Kathy understand. " What if...your grandmother lied to you? "

" She did. " Kathy's voice was sad.

" When she told me Yuri loved me. "

" Do you think she's bad because of that? "

Kathy stared at her, and then she whispered. " No. "

" But she lied. "

" Yes. " Kathy was trembling hard.

" I think... " Hallie squeezed Kathy's hands tightly. " I think your grandmother lied because she loved you. It wasn't the right thing to do, but you see, she wasn't perfect. None of us are. It's love that's perfect. It's perfect in its ability to give us hope even when there's darkness all around. It's perfect in its ability to forgive even when evil never goes away. " Hallie breathed hard. " Do you understand, Kathy? "

Painfully, Kathy said. " Yes. "

" I b-bet you did stuff that hurt your grandmother, too, but she forgave you, didn't she? Because she loved you? "

Kathy slowly nodded.

" It's the same with my brother. " Hallie said fiercely. " He's afraid to love, and that's why... " Fighting back tears, she said unevenly. " Once, there was a man he loved very much... "

" Yuri is gay? "

Hallie laughed and cried at the same time. " No, Kathy. I'm talking about his father. "

" Your father, too? "

She shook her head. " No, but its a secret. " Shame engulfed her, but she forced herself to move past it. " Yuri, my brother, he loved his father a lot and he looked up to him, trusted him. But then one day his little sister started telling him things. Bad things about his father. And he told her she was lying. Until the day he saw his father about to enter... " Hallie looked away. " He was about to a bad thing. "

Hallie closed her eyes.

" He changed after that day. He doesn't trust himself to love because he thinks it makes him blind and weak. "

She looked up at Kathy.

" Until you. "

Releasing the other girl's hands, she rose to her feet and, wiping her eyes, she said. " You probably terrified him. He met you only once and then the next time you met, four years had passed. But you made him feel. You made him fall for you, and that's not how things happen with most people. It takes months...years...for people to fall in love but Yuri, I think he took one look at you and he fell. He loved you so much that he thought for your sake he was doing the right thing by sending you away. " Hallie bit her lip to stop it from trembling. " He was wrong, but he did it because he loved you and now that both of you have a little angel inside you. "

Her voice became fierce. " If you really love him Kathy, you must forgive him for the sake of your baby. Your child needs a father too. Because if you don't, then I don't think you ever loved him at all. If you can't forgive him, then Madame Antonia has won by making you like her. You want other people to break, too. "


When Yuri woke up, he saw her immediately.

She was like a ghost in the corner, with her hair completely down, almost covering het entire face. She was completely dressed in white, and the silk of her dress, combined with her pale skin, glowed in the darkness.

" What the hell, Kathy! " His heart was beating hard against his chest. " Don't scare me, sweetheart. " His heart lurched when she suddenly crawled to him, quickly and quietly like a damn ghost.

" God damn it. "

Then she was kneeling at the side of his bed, her hands behind her back.

" I have something for you. " She whispered gravely.

Yuri stilled.

Slowly, her hands moved forward and she placed a bento on the bed.

He opened it.

It was a two-partitioned box, and in one side there was tuna spread with heart-shaped onions, star-shaped cheese, and clover-shaped smoked ham on top. On the larger partition, atop a background made of slices of ham, cheese and crackers, were two slices of bread. One slice was cut in the shape of a boy. Another slice was cut in the shape of a girl.


" Who is this two, sweetheart? "

" If we have a girl, I named her Khaleesi Yumi Rewis Athanas. "

" If a boy? "

" I named him, Khaeill Yuki Rewis Athanas. "

" Beautiful names, sweetheart. "

But it felt too surreal that for one moment he seriously considered if he was dreaming. Sleep had become his only refuge in recent days, the only thing that saved him from the emptiness of his life and the sharp agonizing pain of his hunger.

Another moment passed.

And yet she was still there.

Beautiful, smart, sweet, honest, different Kathy.

" You've forgiven me? " Yuri asked unevenly.

A slow nod.

" Why? "

" Because I love you so much Yuri, I want the best for our baby. We can't live without you. " Tears chocked her voice, and his chest constricted.

" Even if I lied, sweetheart? "

Kathy nodded.

" Even if I hurt you? "

She nodded again.

" Even if I might end up hurting you again because I'm too god damn bad at this? "

" A wise person. " She said seriously. " Told me that if I love, I shouldn't want people around me to break. " Violet eyes captured blue. " And I don't want you to break, Yuri. "


He so badly wanted to pull her into his arms so he could feel she was real, but he couldn't. He still didn't feel like he had the right to touch her or even look at her.

Trying to distract himself, he thought about all the Greek Philosophers and frowned because none of them seemed to fit with what Kathy said. " Which wise person is that, sweetheart? "

" Hallie Daena Athanas, your sister. "

Ah, God.

Only Kathy.

And he would be the luckiest person alive if he could have her with him forever together with their little athanas.

He said brokenly. " I don't think I'll ever deserve someone like you. "

" I know. " She answered, and he almost smiled. " But I don't think I'll ever deserved someone like you either. "

" I love you. " Yuri said hoarsely. " It's the truth. I love you, Kathryn Ice and our little Yumi or Yuki. " He didn't have to hear her say it because her love had never been in question. " I love you. "

A trembling hand touched his face. " I see it in your eyes, Yuri. "

" You'll always see it, sweetheart. Always. Forever. "