One day until the wedding

The knock on my door cuts into the blackness in my room. I shift out of bed, straightening my pajamas. Timothy's not here. Worry floods me until I see the sheet of paper on the bed. Six, I'm sorry I missed you last night. We're going back for the final push today. I can't wait to see you for the rehearsal dinner. I love you more than anything. The worry is replaced by a dull ache that makes my limbs heavy as I pad toward the door and crack it. Sunshine streams in, burning my retinas as I squint at the silhouette. "The wedding planner told me to bring you this." Rica holds out a cup of coffee. I pull open the door and take it from her, inspecting the label. It says "Bride" with a heart drawn on it. "She wrote that too," she insists, brushing past me into the suite. "Are you ready for your last day as an unmarried woman?" "Yes and no." I scrunch up my nose, and she scans the room. "This is an interesting arrangement." All the furniture is pushed back against the walls. "There were a dozen trunks of merch in here Timothy was supposed to sign. He had them moved to some storage place." "Where is Timothy?" I rub my face. "I don't know. He didn't come home last night." Timothy and Dad skipped dinner to work on the deal. But though I waited up until after midnight, my fiancé didn't show. Regret crawls through my stomach as I think about our fight on the boat. "Come on." Rica jerks her head toward the door. "We have plans." I take a sip of the coffee, and the hot brew does something to settle my nerves. "Rica?" Her dark brows rise. "What if I was deciding to tell someone I care about some information that they might want? But it might ruin their time off?" "Normally I'd say tell him. But..." She looks past me toward the open doors, the beautiful morning beyond. I've never seen Rica look so wistful. "I know how hard it is to get a few days off. And most problems will still be there." Her gaze comes back to mine, and she rolls her eyes. "Are you going to go get your ass dressed or what?" Ten minutes later, Rica and I show up at the day spa in the main building. When I walk inside, there're friendly faces having an argument. "He'll behave," Jacob insists, gesturing to the black puff. "Ernie is all class." The spa attendant looks at him suspiciously, and the dog barks once as if to emphasize it. "You made it," Andie calls. "We were getting worried Rica was too rebel to follow simple instructions." Rica flips her off and crosses to one of the pedicure chairs. She sits gingerly on the edge and inspects the basin below. I snap my head up when I see Avery walking in, and my jaw drops. "You're here!" "Of course. I'm not gonna let my best girl get married without me." I run to her and squeeze her in a hug so hard it's borderline cruel. "These fools might be famous, but you and me go back." An attendant clears her throat, and we all turn to look. Four more women appear behind her. She lists off a range of treatments. "I'd blow someone for a pedicure," Avery says. "These feet have been traipsing through airports all week." Jacob gets a drink and gets Ernie to sit in exchange for the little spa cookies. "What color would you like?" my spa technician asks, presenting the range of nail polish options. "Something romantic, I assume." I study the samples. "Do you have something in a 'So Your Fiancé's Buying a Record Company Cobalt'?" Andie chuckles. "Or 'Guys Leaving You Out Green'?" The tech looks between us, apparently nervous. "The closest is Forever and Ever Fuchsia." "Where are the guys today?" Avery asks. After I decide on a soft shell pink that will go better with my dress than something outrageous, I fill her in. "So, he didn't come home last night?" she asks. "He left a note. I get that he wants to help the next generation of artists and he wants to provide for us at the same time. But we're going to be fine. All I need is him." "He doesn't know everything's going to be fine," Jacob points out. "When you guys were mugged in New York and Timothy's hand got fucked... that was hell for him." "I know it was," I toss back. "I was there." He shrugs. "But things haven't worked out his whole life, Manatee. You were the first thing that did, and he wants to do right by you." I submerge my feet in the hot bath, tipping my head back as the competing feelings of appreciation and longing wash over me. Maybe Jacob's right. As maddening as it is right now, the way Timothy looks out for his own, the way he's become the man who does, is part of what I love about him. "It can't be that hard to finish this deal," I mutter. "Get the papers signed. Get the artists on board..." Andie snorts. "Hey, Frank, let me convince you," she says in a sing-song voice. I throw a face cloth at her, and she catches it before it hits her. "Wait-what the hell does Frank have to do with this?" We fill Avery in, and the way her eyes grow with every part of our story is mildly vindicating. "Enough of this. They're working; we're playing." Jacob angles his phone at his face and Ernie. I cock my head. "Your phone was salvageable after the ocean incident?" "Nah, I had another one dropped off overnight." I roll my eyes. He hits a button. "This is Jacob. I'm here with my friends on a secluded island paradise. Guess where?" Andie dives across the room, tackling him so that his phone flies out of his hands and lands in the foot bath. "Dammit, E," he complains. "If I'm not in touch with my fans, they're going to worry." I wiggle my toes as I lift them out of the bath, and my service tech goes to work. "So, are you excited for the rehearsal tonight?" Avery asks. Anticipation prickles down my spine. "Hell yes. Want to see the dress?" I call the wedding planner to see if she can bring it over early. The silence down the line is horrifying. "I have a note that you were bringing it on the plane with you and would keep it in your villa." My chest tightens as I look toward Rica and Avery. "I don't have it," I say into the phone. "I thought you were keeping it so Timothy didn't accidentally see it." "Let's check your villa," Avery says calmly. "It was in a garment bag, so it must be in a closet somewhere." We head over there in a golf cart, my heart hammering the entire time. We check every closet as acid eats my stomach. Tears threaten my eyes. "It's not here. It was in a-" Rica's gaze meets mine. "Trunk. Where did Timothy send the merch trunks?" We head over to the storage facility on the edge of the resort in our golf cart, meeting the wedding planner outside. "How much merch did he have?" Avery comments, opening the first trunk to reveal T-shirts. I don't answer, opening another trunk. Lanyards and VIP badges. We go through ten trunks as panic sets in, gnawing at my insides and corroding any semblance of the cool I've been trying to maintain this entire week. I stare at Timothy's contact on my phone, needing to hear his voice. I hit it. It rings once. Twice. Goes to voicemail. I swallow painfully. "You guys," Rica calls from under the lid of the final trunk. We race over to her. Peering over her shoulder, a huge breath whooshes out of me. I squeeze my eyes shut. "Thank fuck," Avery says. I lift the heavy garment bag out of the trunk, unzipping it, unsure whether to trust it's here until the zipper parts and reveals the purple fabric. Avery gasps. "Oh my God. Emily, it's beautiful. Timothy's going to lose his shit." They help me carry the dress outside, where our planner is waiting. She promises to keep the dress safe and have it steamed overnight. I turn to Rica. "Would you keep it for me after it's steamed?" She blinks. "Yeah. Sure." When we head back through the main lobby area, I see Hugo in his cage, calling to people who pass through. "Can he come tonight?" I ask the wedding planner. If he can't be with his mate yet, maybe he can witness an act of love.