Half an hour later, Nico came with a dark and cold expression. The nurses who met him at the hallway scampered like little squirrels afraid of the wolves. He didn't care about them. He just needed to see Sofia as soon as possible.

When he opened the door to the general ward where Sofia was admitted, he saw the Police Officer sitting beside her. They were chatting like old friends who met after such a long time.

"How did you end up in a hospital after going out? And it's been three days! You didn't even give us a call. I thought you're already dead."

"Tsk! Can you not scold me? I'm scared to death, alright? I almost died. Death was waving at me just few hours ago." Sofia retorted with aggrieved expression. "Does he know?"

"Hn. Father knows and he's prepared a lot of things for you at home."

"No, I don't want to go home."

"If you don't, he will tear down your apartment and you won't be going to school anymore."

"Fine. I'll go home. I'll go. Just help me ask him not to do anything with my apartment and don't pull me out of school." Sofia picked the ziplocked container and took out the necklace inside. "Help me put this on."

Nico looked at the fake jewelry in his hand and couldn't stop himself from sneering. "Why do you still have this little thing? I thought you throw this away."

"I'd rather throw my life than throw this away." Sofia waited for Nico to put on the necklace then she stuffed it under her shirt.

William had been looking at that necklace she was holding but he didn't say anything. It was indeed odd for someone so rich to be wearing a fake necklace. And base on his observation, it was a very old necklace. It should have been a silver chain but now, it was a little yellowish and the butterfly pendant has faded already.

Sofia turned to William and smiled at him. "Officer Liam, thank you so much for helping me. I hope you can help me catch those people who were after my life. If you need me for another questioning, just give my brother a call."

"Okay. Thanks for your cooperation."

Sofia and her brother processed the discharge procedure and left the hospital. Her car was still under the police custody and it needed repair as well. It might take her some time before she can use it again.

When they arrived at the parking lot, she noticed that Nico was using a different car. He needed to change vehicle just in case the officer would take notice of it. After all, he was just chasing after them not long ago.

"Where's Yusef and Viktor?"

"They're waiting in a restaurant not far from here."

The both of them got inside the sports car that Nico was using and as soon as they got inside, they burst out laughing. Sofia was laughing so hard that she got tears hanging on her lashes now. Nico was the same. He was holding onto his stomach from laughing so hard.

"Oh god! I should work as an actress. I never thought that my acting has been polished to this extent." Sofia blurted while wiping her tears of joy. "He really believed that I'm a victim. I feel bad for that officer."

"Well, what can we do? He's just foolish enough to believe your words."

"But I like him."

"You what?"

"I said I like him. He was genuinely concern about me. I remembered the little boy who gave this necklace to me. They were very much alike."

Nico started the engine of his car while looking at her. "Sorry to dash your hope but, he's an officer – a man of the law. In case you've forgotten your identity, I'd like to remind you – you're the heir to the whole organization. One wrong move and you will lose everything."

Sofia rolled her eyes and shifted her seat so that she can face the window. "I will only like him. I won't ask him to date me. I know that it's impossible between us but I must be allowed to like him, right?"

"Whatever. I won't interfere with your decisions. Just know your limit."

They left the underground parking lot and went to the restaurant where Yusef and Viktor waited. They already ordered a lot of food and alcoholic beverages as if nothing happened.

Viktor didn't win his gambling today nor lose anything but he was still unhappy. If the gambling continued, he was going to win a heap of money for sure. They'll have so much funds for themselves.

It's been ten years since the four of them have been together. At first, they fought separately and trained separately but they would always sit together during meal time. Later on, the children grew fewer each month and after years, there were about twenty of them left. They were soon dispatched to take missions from all over the world except for the four of them.

Sofia was trained with many other things while the three men with her took another training. They didn't get to leave the place until Sofia turned eighteen. The organization stopped getting children as well which made them think that the organization was about to fall. They had no idea that the organization was just taking place and they were raising people to be their arms and legs all over the world.

Sofia learned several languages just like the three of them and they would practice having conversation with these languages during meal time or before going to sleep. She was trained with different martial arts and different ways to kill someone with different weapons.

In ten years, Sofia has honed her skills. She can seduce her way. She can act. She can kill you with a spoon and fork. She can kill you with a bean. She can kill you with anything and with nothing but barehand. She looked young and petite but her small body contained a lot of fighting prowess.

"In these two years that we're allowed to come out, how many times does our little Sofi get caught by an officer?" Yusef asked, teasing Sofia while eating with his food.

"Just so you know, I was trying to test my acting skills. Next time, I won't get caught for sure. But it's a different story if the person catching me is Officer Liam."

Yusef's spoon fell on the floor and the chicken leg that Viktor was trying to eat slipped from his hand. The two of them were stupefied.

"Idiot! Don't fall in love with a police officer!"