After getting punished, Sofia rubbed the ointment on her buttocks. When she looked at her own body on the mirror, she could see the blue-green bruises because of the lashes as well as the scars of the previous wound she got. There was huge gash of scar on the side of her stomach, it was when she fought for a life and death training and got stabbed but she never accepts losses. Even when she was all wounded with blood dripping out of her body, she was still able to move fast and kill her enemy.

On her lower back, there was a scar as well. She's full of scars but she didn't care for them. Some of her scars have faded after medical surgery and after putting creams on them.

She put on a large shirt and laid on her bed with her stomach, making sure that she won't be putting too much force on her bum. She didn't accept visitors while resting and even her three closest aids couldn't come to her. She didn't want anyone to see her in her most embarrassing state.

She opened her drawer, picked up her tablet and scrolled down information regarding the organization. She needed to familiarize with all of them and she needed to visit them one by one, to see how the business was doing.

After lying for quite some time, she felt her body has gone numb and so, she decided to lie with her side. She could only lie with her stomach or with her side because the bruises she got were so painful.

"William Hughes." She muttered his name and a smile appeared on her lips. "He couldn't be the boy I met when I was still small, right? But if it was him, why didn't he recognize the necklace? Well, there should be many necklaces like this specially that this is fake." She contradicted her own thoughts while looking at the information in her tablet.

She opened her email and sent Yusef a request. She wanted to know everything related to William Hughes, her crush. Yusef was a very techy person and he could gather information faster than the people in their IT department. But he didn't let the organization know that he's good with computers. For him, his talent was exclusive for Sofia to exploit. He won't serve anyone else but her.

"Is she fine?" Nico, who was applying medicines to his wounds, asked when he found out that Yusef received a task from her.

Yusef was currently typing on his keyboards as codes and dialogue boxes popped up on his screen. "She should be alright since she was still able to think about that officer."

"What do you mean?" Viktor was the one who asked this time. "Did she asked you to look into that officer's information?"

"Yup. She did."

The three of them couldn't do anything to her when she fancies someone. This was also the first time that she asked for someone's information because she likes him. In the past, she would only ask information for those people that they're targeting to exploit, kidnap or kill.

Yusef gathered all information about William and sent it to Sofia. After an hour, she sent him another message. "Help me enroll to CN University. I want to take up fashion design."

Nico and Viktor read the message from her and couldn't help themselves but groan in disapproval. Nico took out his own phone and called Sofia directly. "What game are you playing?" he asked her but Sofia only chuckled on the other end of the line.

"I just want to see him. Is there something wrong with that?"

"Just because he frequently goes to this university doesn't mean you'll see him." Nico retorted, not knowing what to do with her.

Sofia pouted even though the other party couldn't see her expression. "I'll be fine. Did you forget, before I become a student I am an heiress and an assassin first. Killing is like food to me."

Nico understood what she means. She'll kill when needed and she can remove everyone when she felt being hindered. "Fine. Yusef will arrange everything. Do you need us to guard you?"

"There's no need. It's just a normal university. No one can hurt me there and if someone kidnaps me, you will know it as soon as possible."

"You've thought this through, didn't you?"

"Of course. When I set my mind on something, I don't give up so easily." Sofia stated before ending the call. Now, what she needed to do is to make sure that she'll cover fast and won't make mistake in the future. She couldn't allow her time to be taken up by resting due to bruises and wounds.

After ending the call, she put on another set of proper clothes and went to find Lucas. She needed to inform him of the decision she made because every little thing she does will affect the organization.

When she's alone, she'd show pain and other expressions on her face but the moment she stepped out of her comfort zone, she's back to the cold and composed Sofia Myrtle. She walked straight with her chin up, looking dignified and noble. You wouldn't think that she just received twenty lashes few hours ago.

The other men greeted her when she passed by them but she only looked at them with no emotions in her eyes. A butler was standing outside the door of Lucas' room and he announced her arrival before she was able to get inside.

On the side of the walls, you would see large picture frames and bookshelves but when you flip the frames, you would find hidden fire arms and different kinds of knives. It was his prized collection. Each of them was used to kill people.

"Master." Sofia bowed her head in front of him. "I will be going out to have fun in a school campus but I will still do my best to manage the organization."

"Why choose a school campus?"

"I haven't been to large school campus for a very long time. In any case, my priority is still the organization. I won't let you down."

"Whatever. Do whatever you want." Sofia nodded her head in agreement. Lucas didn't need to say the rest of his words because she knew what it will be. 'I'll be watching your actions.' This was what he will always say to her and she has engraved it to her bones.