Yusef stated that they'll leave tomorrow for Italy but that night, when everyone went to sleep, the patrolling guards left their station to start the test.

They were already informed that three men will be coming tonight to test their young mistress and her buddies. They didn't need to fight with these men because they're far stronger than the average members of the organization.

The lights in Sofia's room were turned off but the lights passing through the windows from the moon still gave enough illumination for her to see everything inside her room.

She felt strange. It was so quiet. She'd usually leave one of her windows open to hear what was going on outside but it was so quiet that she's feeling a bad premonition.

She was just about to go to her balcony and see what was going on outside when a man jumped down from the nearest tree to her balcony. He didn't even give her time to react and he started attacking her.

"Did you kill everyone outside?" she asked coolly, not nervous or afraid at all. Strong blows after blows, they exchanged attacks and no one seemed to win.

The man was just silent but he kept attacking her. "Are you tasked to kill me?" she asked again but there was still no response. Sofia got angry being ignore and she started exerting force. Her punches became quicker and stronger. She hit the man on his stomach and she didn't just stop there, she bent her knees and used it to attack his gut while pulling a strong blow on his back.

The man fell to the floor and when Sofia was about to pull the knife under her pillow, the man threw his ring. "Sorry, young mistress. We're only tasked to test you tonight and introduce ourselves as well." He was panting while clutching his stomach from the painful blow that came from her.

Sofia picked up the ring and sure enough it was the name of their organization. She took a deep breath and reached out her hand to pull him up. "You said 'we', where are the others?"

"They should be fighting with your three strongest arms." The man answered.

"Go downstairs and wait for me."

The man left and Sofia immediately change her clothes and put on her necklace. They're visitors from Lucas which means, she needed to show her best in front of them. "This is tiring. I really hate showing them my strongest side. It makes me feel like I'm not a woman." She muttered to herself. "I wanted to be like Barbie when I was young but now, I'm more like a Karate-master Barbie." She added. She felt so wronged with what's going on with her life but she also felt alive within the org.

After changing her clothes, she went downstairs to formally meet their three guests. Viktor and Yusef were sweating a bit but, Nico was calmly sitting on the couch, drinking a bottled water.

"How come you don't look ruffled at all?" Sofia asked Nico as soon as she reached them.

"I didn't fight them. Yusef and Viktor did."

"Oh? And here you are drinking water while the two of them are sweating."

"They can get water if they want to drink." Nico answered without any trace of emotions. He was just looking coldly at the three men in front of them. "If I fought, they'll surely die. But so far, they're a match with Yusef and Viktor."

"I see." Sofia turned to the three visitors who have now removed their masks and when she looked at them, she was stunned. "Why are you guys so handsome?" she blurted out without even thinking. The three men only smiled at her but they didn't say anything. Sofia coughed drily to clear her throat and nodded her head at them. "Introduce yourselves." She said but her eyes stayed on the man to her right who was extremely similar to someone she knew. Her three best buddies were the same. They were looking at one particular man.

"I'm Gavin Pierre. I'm twenty-four and I came from the PH branch. I deal with the shipping lines."

"I'm Sullivan Shaw. I'm twenty-five and I came from the US branch. I deal with the arms trades."

"I'm William Ivan Hughes. I'm twenty-five. I came from this city and was brought to Italy by master Lucas. I took different mission."

Sofia, Viktor, Nico and Yusef looked at him with bulging eyes. Then the three of them looked towards Sofia who was standing there in surprise and disbelief.

"Uhm…so the tree of you have introduced yourself already. Uhm…and...what are you going to do next? Are you staying here?" She asked, stammering with her questions and she couldn't seem to compose the right words to say. She just spoke whatever came to mind.

Nico stepped in to help her and with a cold look on his face, he glanced the three men in front of him. "There are many rooms on the second floor and on the first floor. You can choose whichever room you want to stay and you can also choose to stay together in one room as well; like me and two friends. The east wing on the second floor belongs to the young mistress and master Lucas whenever he visits. You're not allowed to go there unless you're being called. Understood?"

"Yes, sir."

"Don't call me sir. I'm Nico. I'm also twenty-five. I am the second leader next to our young mistress. I handle lots of things and that includes killing."

"I'm Yusef. I'm twenty-three and I'm you can just ask me for help anytime. I'll give you my contact details later."

"I'm Viktor. I'm good in bets and gambling. If you want to go to a gambling house, bring me along and you will surely win."

The three of them introduced themselves to their visitors as well and after talking, Nico told them to rest and tomorrow, there will be new briefing.

Sofia looked towards the new William Hughes and she felt an oncoming headache. "This should be just a coincidence, right?" Sofia asked Nico who was still standing beside her. "And it's impossible that it's him."

"They're two different people. I can feel it." Nico replied. "The one you like was a determine person to serve justice and the law. This man we have is someone full of bloodlust. He must have suffered a lot and is full of resentment. As to why he's here, I believe master Lucas did it on purpose after hearing that you're getting chummy with that officer."

"Hey! I wasn't getting chummy with him!" Sofia retorted while stomping her feet. "And that's not the only concern I have. Didn't you guys notice, he's been staring at my necklace."

"Well, if I knew your identity and I see you wearing that fake and faded necklace, I would stare at it, too. I'll be thinking 'why is this heiress wearing something fake so openly?'" Nico told her before turning around. "Go back to your room and get some sleep. You're just being paranoid."