CN university has a very clean record and was even ranked 3rd among schools who have lowest bullying cases. Outside the campus, many people thought that this school was very prestigious but only those who went to this school knows the truth.

Few cases? Don't make me laugh!

This was what the students and other teachers thought whenever they heard people talk about stuff like this ranking. They never thought that once you thread within this campus along with other teachers and students, you are considered accomplice by your own guilty conscience.

Bullying happens a lot but there was no evidence left whenever this happens. CCTV cameras? They're not reliable at all. Some of them no longer works and the others have many blind spots. Phone recordings? If people find out that you are recording this bullying incident but wasn't doing anything to help, you can be considered accomplice. Instead of trying to clear the events, you will be pulled in this darkness instead.

So, everyone turned a blind eye in this kind of scenarios. No one bothered to help the other. No one wasted their phone storage to record the events. It's truly surprising how almost everyone loses their morals here. CN University produces top quality when it comes to intelligent students but very few of them have good characteristics.

Sadly, the incident this time could not be hidden. All people under the school administration were having a headache. The faculty were nervous. The sorority members were scared. Janella was angry. Those who were bullied before? They felt like buying champagne and pop it open for a celebration. Finally, someone could get rid of Janella.

The students have no idea of Sofia's identity but that isn't the same case for the administration of the school. They have a very clear understanding of who Sofia B. is. And now, they're facing one of the most intelligent and highly paid lawyers because of this incident.

The head master of the school felt sweat trickling down his spine. They were not able to deny the allegations of school bullying upon seeing so many evidences. When they heard that the event happened behind the science building, they didn't bother looking into it. They knew that there were no CCTV cameras in that area.

But now, they all wanted to find the student who caused them such headache.

"I'm very sorry that this happened to Ms. Basilischikov. We didn't expect this kind of scenario to occur either. We have never heard of her offending anyone and in fact, she's very kind and friendly. We will surely investigate this matter." The headmaster stated while wiping the cold sweat dotting on his forehead.

"There's no need to worry about the investigation. We'll settle this in court. We enrolled Sofia here because of your school being the 3rd of lowest number of bullying. If this thing happens to anyone else, we could turn a blind eye to it but sadly, this happens to our one and only sister. You can prepare your rebuttal for the court hearing." Niko stated and placed the court hearing invitation. "Or I can ask someone from the police station to come and get you on that day."

"No. There's no need. Someone will be there to represent our school."

"That's good."

Niko didn't stay for much longer because he still needed to do a lot of things. On his way out, he met Liam along with other police officers, looking for Janella. But which criminal in their right mind would stay in school after being exposed? Therefore, Liam failed to arrest Janella on Friday morning.

"Bro, isn't this woman the one that you have been pursuing for several months now?" one of the police officers asked when they headed to the school dormitory. Janella wasn't showing up in her classes so, they could only look for her in the school dormitory.

"I was blind." Liam replied without looking back. "Who didn't experience such thing in their life? I was really, really blind."

The two other officers laughed at Liam's statement with their head shaking from side to side. They couldn't believe that he didn't even try to defend the girl he was infatuated with. Hearing his response, one could even tell that he believed Janella was guilty of this incident.

The lady guard of the women's dormitory led them to the fifth floor where Janella's room was located but when they got there, her roommate said she wasn't around and that she didn't even returned to the dorm last night. The student allowed them to check the room when she saw their badge, hoping that her mean roommate will be found soon.

"You are roommate with Janella, right?" Liam asked while looking around the room. "How long have you been with her?"

"I just moved here not long ago. She didn't really do anything that could harm me but she bossed me around every single day. God! I just wanted to live a peaceful life but having her wasn't peaceful at all. Officers, you have to do your best in catching her."

"We will."

"Good. It's not right to let a criminal run loose in public."

Liam and the other officers didn't stay long in the dormitory. They left as soon as possible and went back to the police station. He called Sofia to let her know that Janella wasn't caught yet, promising her that he would do anything to catch the culprit.

"Don't work too hard." Sofia told Liam while eating grapes that Viktor brought for her. "She will be caught sooner or later. I will never allow her to hurt other students again. Have you heard that I am not the first person on her lists of victims?"

"Yeah. I did. We received so many complaints about her when we officially declared the official opening of the court hearing process." Liam sighed and covered her face with his other hand – embarrassed and guilty. "I'm sorry for not seeing her characteristic from the start."

"It's not your fault." Sofia replied softly. "Don't think too much about it. Anyway, I'll be resting soon or my brother will scold me again."

"Okay. I'll visit you next time."

Over the weekend, Liam looked for Janella even if it was his day off. He wanted to catch her as soon as possible, not wanting to disappoint Sofia again and again. He already brought her to this situation and it hurt him so much to see her battered and bruised.

"Are you sure you wouldn't want to rest? You know that we don't get this rest days that often." The police chief supervisor questioned when he passed by and saw Liam printing the copy for warrant of arrest. "I know you wanted to be promoted but you don't have to go this far."

"I'm not doing this for promotion I just want to help Sofia." Liam answered without looking back.

"Fine. Fine. I heard that this case involves the heiress of a well-known company. Do your best."

Liam just nodded his head. It wasn't mentioned which one was the heiress of a well-known company. It could be the victim or the suspect. This was done in order to protect Sofia's identity. Her brothers have been hiding her true identity for years now to make sure that she won't fall victim in the hands of their rivals. Aside from the school administration and Liam, no one else from the public knew of Sofia Basilischikov's real face.