George turned around and looked at the woman who was now looking a little sluggish. "Are you sleepy? You can sleep in my car."

"Thanks." The undercover cop smiled at him and walked to the other side of the car, when she faced her back towards him, George picked a baseball bat from his car and hit the back of the woman's head.

Sofia was watching everything, recording the events using the small camera on the side of her mask. What her camera captured was sent directly to Yusef. They need to have solid evidence in case George would deny the allegations later.

George put on his rubbed gloves and took out a small bottle from one of his car's compartments. It was a secret compartment that he made at the bottom of his seat. No one can open it just because they want to. There's a remote control that can open the secret place.

As George picked up the unconscious woman from the ground, Sofia came out from the shadows and showed herself up. "George."