"No! I'm not being hysterical or paranoid. Mel, I'm telling you she's back! Sofia's back! She's not dead! You can ask Irene. She saw her sister as well." Suzy screamed while clutching her head as if she was going crazy.

"Yes, dad. She was there. She was meeting with your first wife and your daughter."

"Evangeline and Juliet? How did she find them?" Melbon Diaz asked. When he left his wife and daughter, he made sure to not give them a single penny. He wanted them to die and just disappear from their lives. He never expected that they'd survive until this time and even found way to find Sofia.

"You can't expect everyone to die just because you left them penniless." Irene commented while checking her phone to search for the Basilischikov family. "They weren't crippled. They have minds. They have abilities. Even if you left them, they can find ways to earn money and survive."

"I should have crippled them, then."