"Good. Good." Lucas stated while clapping his hands loudly. "I am glad that you didn't become rusty while having so much fun in P country."

"I'm sorry for worrying you, Master Lucas." Sofia responded as she came out of the cage. "Master didn't have to worry. I won't let all your teachings go to waste."

"That's better be right." Lucas replied and turned around. "Go back and clean yourself. Once you're done, come to me in my study room. I'll show you something."

"Yes, master." Sofia looked towards Alvin one more time and turned around to leave.

"Go and dispose that man now. We don't need a traitor." Lucas stated to the three people beside him. Sofia heard it, too and she immediately turned back to stop them.

"Master, can you let me investigate this matter?"

"Why? I have done my investigation and this man is found guilty."