Sofia chose the restaurant that they'd be dining in. In that way, she'd have the advantage for knowing the place better than Qin Yu. They agreed to meet at 7:00 in the evening since Sofia wanted to rest early. She didn't want to waste more time with him.

With her mask on, Sofia looked normal and her lower face could tell that she's pretty. However, behind that mask, she made sure that she'd look ugly with her fake scars. 'Let's see if he still won't feel disgusted with my face tonight.' Sofia thought to herself as she ascended the stairs to the second floor where Yusef booked a VIP room.

She arrived first and while waiting, she checked her phone for any messages coming from Liam – there was none. The contest will be held in two days but there was still no message from him.

"Maybe he's not coming?" Sofia muttered and put his phone away.