Yusef was also observing things from a distance. There was a monitoring and hearing device on fake Sofia's shoulder in order for him to assist her and Viktor if needed.

Seeing that Qin Yu was being suspicious, he immediately stepped on the floor and pretended to be the mighty assistant. Although it was a masquerade party, Yusef didn't put any mask. He was barefaced with another persona in place. If Liam was there, he wouldn't know it was Yusef at all.

"Excuse me gentlemen. Excuse me madam." Yusef stated the moment he reached closer to the fake Sofia.

"What is it?" Iritation was evident in her voice as if she hated the fact that she was disturbed from having a party. In truth, it was just part of the act.

"I received a call from your father. He said that you have to call him soon or he will come and get you in person. He wants you to keep your promise first thing tomorrow morning."