Sofia looked serious all the time while following her new master. She goes wherever he goes except for rest rooms. She tested food for him with her subtle movements, making sure that the senator wouldn't die of poison. She was in full alert mode whenever she's with him.

"Sir, do not eat this food." Sofia whispered to the senator. "Just keep a calm countenance and do not show any expression that would indicate you know the man's plan."

"Thank you for that advice." The senator stated with his lips in full smile but his hand was already moving to another dish. Sofia nodded subtly when the other party was not watching her, giving her master the GO - signal. "So, about the law that you want to submit, I don't agree with it but we will be able to make revisions in that way, we'll have reasonable conclusions and concrete view of what will happen if it will take in effect. I'll check on it later."