Sofia drove her car to the airport. She just finished her second mission and now, she was heading to the location for the third one. It's not something that she likes to do but since the organization was paid to send someone to bring the enemies down, Sofia cannot really refuse this task.

There's an ongoing battle between two countries due to the bordering mountains and caves which were rich in minerals. It's a battle for over three years now after a diamond mine was discovered and it seems like it won't end. The number of casualties had grown for the last three years from both sides and neither of them showed signs of relenting to the enemy.

Sofia didn't need to check the map to know that Lucas was siding with the rightful owner of the land. She didn't know how much was paid to the organization or what was the deal between Lucas and the president of the nation but since it's a task she needed to accomplish, she didn't really care which was which.