She didn't know what the lieutenant promised to Lucas but her master agreed for her to stay, to look after the client in case they launch another attack. She'll be staying for another two weeks at the camp.

"Can I take at least two days off? I don't think the enemies will launch an attack after what happened. They'd have to regroup and assign a new commander if they want to engage in another fight." Sofia commented while checking her items to make sure they were all fine.

"Two days. No more, no less."

"Sure. I'll get back here this time of the day after two days." Sofia mumbled excitedly while packing some of her stuff. "I'll leave some of my things here." She said while taking away her purse, wallet and a butterfly necklace that was so old, it looked ugly in the eyes of the soldiers. Nonetheless, she kept it inside her small purse before leaving the camp. Someone was waiting for her to send her to the capital.