Kevin pulled Yasmin to the side, telling her to withdraw the challenge but the woman yanked her arm from him and glared.

"She proposed the amount. I proposed for Liam. It's her fault if she'd lose the money."

"And what if you'll lose?" Kevin retorted which sounded funny knowing Yasmin's marksmanship. She's comparable to the other elite militaries but she chose to work in autopsy. "Well, whatever. I won't butt in. Just make sure this won't bring me trouble later on."

"What kind of trouble could it be?" Yasmin snorted and left. She approached Sofia who was busy playing with her phone and spoke. "Let's go to the shooting area."


"Do you even know how to use a gun?" she questioned, looking Sofia up and down as if she was looking at a very young girl. She looked really young compared to them. "Just so you know, I won't show mercy on you."

"I am not expecting you to do that."