Liam finished his meeting ten minutes before 1 o'clock in the afternoon. It was past lunch time already but he wasn't able to eat his lunch yet.

"Excuse me." A man wearing a blue polo shirt and white shorts came in with two plastic bags. "I'm looking for Officer Hughes."

Liam raised his head and the man also met his gaze. Even though he didn't raise her hand or confirm his identity, the man already approached Liam and placed the plastic bags on his table.

"These are?"

"These are the dishes that the young miss ordered." The man replied with a wide smile. "Please enjoy your lunch."

"Wait." Liam stopped the man as he stood up from his seat. "Which young miss is it? I don't take anything unless it's from my girlfriend." Liam declared which earned scoffs from his colleagues. Really, he didn't need to say it out loud.