Liam saw the wounds on her stomach and thigh but he kept his mouth shut and closed his eyes for a moment to stop himself from getting angry.

He wasn't angry because she kept the truth from him. He was angry because he felt useless and was unable to protect her. He wanted to be there for her but there works and situations just don't allow them to be together 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

He arranged her clothes properly and covered her with a blanket. He didn't know why she was keeping it from her but Liam didn't want to sound nagging and possessive over her. He will wait for her to tell him the truth. For now, what matters to him was the truth that she was fine and alive in front of him.

Half an hour later, he finally fell asleep beside Sofia.

The next morning, Liam did leave early to catch his flight. Sofia was still sleeping when he woke up and he didn't want to bother knowing that she was still recovering.