Clark could hear the siren from the background during the call but he ignored it, just wanting to chat with his mother for the last moment. He really missed her parents. He badly needed them but he was ashamed. They expected so much from him but he failed them. It was never his intention to ruin his life. He just wanted to try something. He never thought that things would escalate to the point that he'd die.

"Clark, I am counting on you to take care of me and your father once we're old." Mrs. Morin countered while trying her best not to sob. "Stop apologizing just because of some petty matters. I'm more than happy to know that you are doing alright."

There was no response from the other end of the line. Her son has become silent. He didn't mean to give a cold response to that. He just covered the phone with his pillow to avoid his mother hearing him grunt in pain. His bedsheet was already soaked with blood. His shirt and shorts were stained with it, too.