Yasmin stiffened the moment she saw his face. Liam never gave her a cold shoulder ever since the day that they met. He was always the amiable person and he catered to her needs and tendencies to be spoiled. He was actually very kind to her. She could still remember the day he rescued her from bullies.

It was cold afternoon. Most students have gone home and there were few who stayed back at the campus; some doing research or assignments in the library, others were dating secretly and some were bullying. Yes, plainly bullying someone.

The bullied was none other than Yasmin.

She was bullied, not physically but verbally. Many people believed that she got into the academy because of her parents' connections and that she's not suitable for forensics.

She was the source of envy to many people because of her looks and her wealth. She's not the most beautiful but she was appealing to others. Most of the people who looked down on her were women.