"Sir, are you okay? look troubled." Sonya, Niko's secretary voiced out while handing him the latest report from their marketing department. 

Niko's face looked even more troubled when she pointed it out. Last night, he went through the hellish moment of his life which was communicating with Liam while pretending he was Sofia. He couldn't believe he'd have to go through it just to look for his sister. 

"Don't mind me. I just thought of something that bothered me." 

"Oh. Well, if there's nothing else, I'll get back to my post." 

"Please bring me another cup of coffee before you go back." 

Seeing the empty cup on his table, Sonya couldn't help herself but worry. "Sir, I may be crossing the line but I don't think you should drink more than what you have taken already. Too much coffee isn't really good for one's health." 

"Have I taken too much?"