With her disguise in place, Sofia walked around the area where the suspect lives. His name was Keneth Gamboa. He was a news reporter around the area and his articles mostly featured children. He reported genius children, athletic children, and much more news about children. No one was really bothered by his attachment to children since he's very close to his niece and nephews. Everyone thought that he was just fond of them. Now, Sofia knew why he was fond of them. It's because he's a pervert. 

She was dressed in ordinary clothes as she went to the nearest convenience store in the area. It was already 8:00 in the evening and there weren't that many people outside.

"Hija, why are you still wandering outside, haven't you heard of the latest news? There are girls who got raped and murdered. You should go home and lock your doors and windows," said the old saleslady who scanned the items that Sofia bought.

"I thought the victims were children?"