The whole time that she spoke to the officer and to her 'acting' family, Sofia only glanced at Liam. She really wanted to hug him but their circumstances didn't allow that to happen. She could only keep her claws to herself and not pounce on him.

And because Yusef replied to Liam after hacking Sofia's damaged phone, he finally dismissed his doubts and worked with Officer Dalton peacefully.

She described the criminal's face to them, as best as she could show them but she left many distinctive marks to make sure that she will be able to catch the man before them. She has a very good excuse to that as well because the place she fought with the man was dark and void of lightings. She didn't tell them that she saw the man before the said fight.

The dawn was already breaking by the time the officers ended their interrogation and left. Liam gave her one last look but Sofia only smiled faintly at him. She showed no signs of recognition with him.