"Hey guys!" Yasmin greeted as soon as she entered the station with a beautiful smile on her lips. "It's my birthday today." 

"We know and that is why we didn't have any plans for lunch. We are waiting for you." Kevin retorted as he pulled his present for her. "It's not really expensive but I hope you like it." 

"It's the thought that counts." Yasmin expressed just as she received the gift. "Thanks, Kev. I'm so glad that you remembered." She looked at Liam while saying this but he didn't even give her a glance. "So, everyone's vacant during lunch?" 

"I have work to do." one officer said. 

"Me, too. I still have to finish this report I received. I have to leave and leave someone as well." 

"Is there no plan for dinner?" 

Everyone laughed at this shameless question but Yasmin only waved her hands. "I'll have someone bring you some food later. Anyone who is vacant can come."