She breathed slowly from both the pain and exhaustion. Her arms were limp beside her as she sat behind the thick bushes that shielded her from her pursuer.

She could hear him whistling. She could hear his faint footsteps that grew louder as he moved closer to her. Her heartbeat quickened but she remained still.

"Come out now," Apollo stated while hitting the bushes with the wood he found lying on the ground. He checked the place thoroughly and left nothing untouched as he continued to move closer to where she was.

Sofia knew that she will be found soon if she won't do anything.

"I didn't expect that I'd meet a big fish like you. They said that you are going to be the next warlord but I guess that won't happen if I killed you this time, right?"

No answer.

Sofia kept her mouth shut no matter how much the man taunted her. There's no point in getting angry over the nonsense that he said.