Sofia raised her head and saw Viktor jumping on the man in front of her. She shouted so loud to stop him but the sound of the gunshot was louder than her. She saw it. The blood seeping on his shirt was visible in her naked eyes. 


Viktor punched the man on his face right before falling on the ground. Struggling to get up, he crawled his way to Sofia's side and hugged her. "I'm...I am glad that you are alive." He whispered raggedly. "I'm here. Don't be...Don't be afraid." 

"I am not afraid. I'm not." She retorted with her head shaking from side to side. "Vik." 

Apollo stood up with his hand on his face. That hit he took from Viktor was really painful even for a trained man like him. Not hesitating for even a second, he lifted his gun and shot Viktor from the back. Since he was the type of man who savors the suffering of his prey, he didn't him on his vital parts.