"This will be your last mission," Lucas said and pressed the display button of the remote and the content on his computer screen appeared in front of Sofia. "I'm only giving you one month to destroy their business." 

"Why?" Sofia questioned with narrowed eyes. She was already distancing herself from Liam but Lucas was pushing her, again and again, to come close to him. "Why are you doing this?" 

"Because it is the client's request," Lucas answered emotionlessly. "Remember, you can't fail me again, Sofia. Everything that you worked so hard for will be in vain if you mess up again." 

Sofia clenched-unclenched her fists before nodding her head helplessly. She has to make sacrifices. She knew it. She just didn't expect that Lucas would stoop so low and make her ruin the life of the person she loves the most. 

[I've got to think. I have to think of a plan.] She thought as she left the room.