Now that she had been given a new task to destroy the company with her real identity as Sofia Basilischikov, there was no point in continuing her work as a janitress. 

As if she didn't exist in the first place, Sofia vanished from Amaya Insurance Corporation. She didn't clock off from work and no one saw her leave the building either. When her supervisor tried contacting her, her number couldn't be reached. 

No matter how much they tried to contact her, it was futile. 

For over a month that she was gone, only Yusef knew her whereabouts. However, when they least expected it, she suddenly came home. 

Niko was working on a project at home through a video conference with his secretary and marketing director. He was no longer allowed to leave the mansion and attend meetings in the company. He was heavily guarded and to prove that he wasn't betraying the organization, he was left with no other choice but to accept his current situation.