Liam's objective changed in a blink of an eye. Instead of heading back to where Sofia lives, he went home to find his father. Ever since he met Sofia, he did a lot of irrational decisions but he didn't regret any of those. He loved her so much that he was willing to sacrifice his career for her. 

On the other hand, Sofia was willing to sacrifice Liam for her goal and her brothers. 

While taking a taxi home, Liam contacted Cole to get some information about the recent news regarding Mr. Nacario's involvement in a rape and murder case. 

"I cannot go into details, Liam. You know that," Cole expressed during the call while sorting out the information he just received. "You are not part of the team now. All I can say is that the irrefutable pieces of evidence were sent to us and they got accepted in court. The court trial will be held tomorrow morning. You can come if you want to, but I doubt it since your girlfriend came back."