Caught Cheating

Ye Jiu looked at Zi Xi who was kneeling on the ground and looked at Chu Huai who was standing at the periphery of the crowd.

They did meet under the parasol tree a few times. In order to avoid the crowd, they chose to meet in the middle of the night...

However, Chu Huai was not stupid enough to expose himself now.

In other words, Zi Xi did see them...

Or perhaps, it was someone else?

No matter what, the message from last night seemed suspicious...

"I... I didn't see his face clearly..." Zi Xi said as she shrunk her neck slightly.

"But looking at his figure... it seemed to be..." Zi Xi paused for a moment as the name that was about to come out of her mouth appeared.

Everyone held their breaths as they waited for that man's name.

"It was me!" Chu Mo's voice came from behind them.