
Zavian woke up to a knock at his door.

He had been up all night, watching Neera sleep. He sat on the couch and listened to her breath even; then he walked to where she lay on the bed.

Sitting down beside her carefully; he watched her sleep under the duvet. 

The more time he spent with her, the more he didn't want her to leave his side. It was strange that it was happening so fast, but the more he tried to pull away; the more he found himself being drawn to her.

Zavian didn't know how long he stayed by her side before he finally retired to his room to sleep.

That morning; he had a meeting with the council concerning the queen selection. If it was left to him; he would have called it off, but he couldn't, there was a lot at stake now and he couldn't risk it.

As he put on his robes, the maid who had washed the bathroom was about leaving, and he sent her to call Neera to the dinette.