We need your blood

Zavian gritted his teeth and fisted his hands. He looked to Neera, peaceful and calm in death, and to the witches. He was left with only one option.

Powerless, he left, and set back to business immediately, anything to take his mind off barging back in and demanding to be there.

Instead of Jasmine outside the doors, he was met with Freya. 

"What happened to her?" She asked.

Zavian paid her no mind and walked on to his study.

"Brother, talk to me. What happened to her?" 

"I found her dead," Zavian replied. He moved to his seat and reached for a book. The same painting of Lilah fell out of one of the pages, a reminder of his failure yet again. 

Zavian bent and picked the picture. He had seen the resignation in the witches, their shoulders dragged down with the weight of a task their arguments have already deemed useless from the start, but still, he had to try. He could not go through it a second time again. It would kill him.