I was only joking

"You aren't fun," Neera declared. "I was only pulling your legs, so hurry along now. I have a picnic date with Zavian that he is already waiting for me for."

Neera walked past Penelope and out the door, leaving her stunned, her skin whiter than paper. Joking? Jokes Penelope could take, but about killing her to turn her into a demon? Penelope shivered at the thought of it.

Neera caught her reflection again in the large mirror in the hallway. Lydia hadn't made an appearance, but Neera could feel the coughs getting worse. They were not as frequent as before, but when they came, they shook everything in her entire body, emptying her of the last of her energy and leaving her in a wrung-up, tired mess after it all.

And the blood was even coming more and more.

It was a miracle Neera didn't pass out from burning lungs and loss of blood.