Something others shouldn't know

But Anna must have seen something she didn't want the others to know, and Neera would make sure she came along for the next coven visit to ask her to elaborate.

The carriage lurched, and instinctively, Neera's hands reached out to Freya seated opposite her. But Zavian's arms were already around his sister, whose head cozied against his chest. She hadn't woken yet.

Next to Neera, Azriel flicked back his hair as he watched himself in the large mirror.

"How would someone see me and think Eunuch?" Azriel asked.

"Let it go," Zavian said.

"Your sister is as blind as a bat," Azriel stated.

"I am not," came a croaking sound. At once, all their heads turned to Freya. She pushed herself to sit up, and Zavian supported her lolling form with his side.

"You are okay," the King said his tone light with relief.

Freya groaned. "Do you remember Kitana's third cousin?"