I am okay

Zavian's men were butchered faster than pigs at the slaughterhouse. The creatures moved fast, blink and you'd miss them slash past you, only to look down and see one's innards spilling out to the floor and death would kiss them to a permanent slumber.

Freya matched their killing pace with Azriel by her side, swords slicing at incredible speed. Zavian narrowly missed his eyes being plucked out by one of the creatures. They were wild, and around them, the ear splitting cries of the soldiers grew louder and louder.

Zavian looked around, chest heaving, watching the bodies of his fallen comrades. Aloysius had really outdone himself, everything was nothing they could ever imagine.

Far off, he could see the dull blue of the Darstun soldiers galloping from the direction of the castle. Neera, her name brightened and shocked his body like lightning, if she was hurt, he couldn't…