Exploring the Lotus Hotel and Casino

Albert had wandered for a good time, taking a careful look at the residents of the Lostu Hotel and Casino.

"First, let's see what I know about this place," He mused out loud watching a couple of teenagers wearing 80's style clothing, kissing quite scandalously, next to an arcade game machine. 

The Lotus Hotel and Casino is located (at least currently) in Las Vegas, Nevada, United States of America. While inside, it seems like time never passes, and nobody wants to leave, checked. He could tell by how weird the Mist was in this place. The hotel lures unsuspecting people inside with addictive games, food, and other activities, combined with the unlimited money on those plastic cards. Judging by the teenagers kissing, he confirmed that guests seem to never age because time is severely dilated, elapsing at a much slower rate than it passes in the outside world. In the movie, the cause of guests staying is getting addicted to eating Lotus Flowers or playing those stupidly addictive games. 

Albert was glad he wasn't into games all that much, sure they were fun, but he couldn't find it in himself to try his luck here. More so when he had to send the annoying staff somewhere else twice already, they kept trying to suggest games or asking to taste some flower sweets. Yeah, not happening.

 "Hey, are you lost?" Someone suddenly said, poking his shoulder from behind.

Albert almost jumped, but he fought the urge, failing miserably trying not to flinch. When he turned around, he saw a boy. He was taller than him, but not too much. The guy was wearing a red t-shirt, jeans, vintage shoes, and a black leather jacket. Blue eyes, dark hair, fair skin, a fangy smile that reminded him of Tom Welling in the best years of Smallville. He was annoyingly attractive.

"No..." Albert managed to say, "Huh, who are you?"

"Me?" The boy repeated as if the question felt alien to him, he frowned for a minute or two, as if trying to find an answer, "My name? I-I don't...my name?"

Albert felt weird seeing someone struggle to remember his name. It felt fundamentally wrong, he wondered if he could help. He didn't know if his powers could help or not, but still, it didn't hurt to try, right?

"Look at me," He asked the taller boy while invoking the power of his words, "I want you to remember your name. Tell me, now. Who are you? How old are you? Actually, when were you born?"

The effects of his choice of using charmspeak on the stranger were uncertain for like half a minute. Suddenly, the boy blinked and clarity took over his eyes. He frowned again, almost in urgency, but it was short-lived.

"My name is Damon... Smith. I'm Damon Blackwood, son of Mars," The boy replied still looking weird, "I am fifteen years old. I was born in 1985. You..." The boy asked tentatively, "Who are you?"

Son of Mars? Albert repeated internaly in desbielef. This guy, Damon, was a demigod too, but not a Greek one, he was one of the Romans. For some reason, Albert did not foresee an encounter like this one. He even knew who was his godly parents, so he must have gone to Camp Jupiter. The Romans were something Albert had no intention of interacting with for the next few years. Still, he was a bit curious about Damon. He has been trapped here since 2000.

"I'm Albert," He awkwardly replied. "Fourteen."

"Are you a demigod too?" Damon asked, looking intrigued.

Albert hesitated for a moment before nodding, "Yes... are you here alone?"

"I don't remember..." Damon said frowning again, looking painfully confused, he then tried, "Are you your patron?"

Aphrodite? Venus? Albert didn't know which one he should say, instead, he wisely shot the boy a mischievous smile and said, "It's a secret... you won't be mad at me if I don't tell you right?"

Damon looked stunned for a moment, the tips of his ears turned red. He coughed awkwardly a couple of times and ran his hand through his hair helplessly, looking wronged he said, "But I told you mine!"

"Not my fault..." Albert dismissed him casually, "So, Damon, are you on a quest?"

Damon shot him a mildly annoyed look, but full of endearment. For a moment he questioned how did Ares had such an effortlessly charming son, maybe his Roman counterpart was superior? Albert wondered. 

"I don't remember, I think so..." The tall boy said finally, frowning still, like the effort of frowning was any help in retrieving his memories, "I was supposed to find something... I think... I don't remember what or was I supposed to destroy it? I don't know."

"It's ok, don't think too hard," Albert said finally with a sigh.

"You look pretty..." Damon said stuttering, foolishly.

Albert who was caught off guard looked at the boy in surprise and felt his cheeks heating. Oh, no. This is not what he expected to happen, he thought. How should he even respond to that? Damon was handsome and probably his type, but he was from 1985 and Roman to the top. He probably got trapped here in the middle of a quest of his years ago. The world he knew was gone, so much had changed since 2000. 

"Thank you..." He replied cleaning his throat, tentatively adding, "...you're very handsome too."

Damon glitched at his words, the boy was blinking numbly at him while his entire face was turning red as he blushed furiously. After he finally got out of his stupor, he started to cough in nervousness.

The taller boy started to ramble, "Sorry, I didn't mean in a queer way or anything, I-I-I... I-!"

"You can stop right there," Albert quickly interjected, not unkindly. He should have expected something like this to follow, Damon was from another time, still, this was way too awkward to live, "I know you didn't mean anything by it, ok? Don't fret. You don't have to be sorry by the way. It's fine really. I am not mad or anything."

Damon looked incredibly troubled and somewhat disappointed, at who, Albert couldn't truly tell. All he could think about was how this boy was caught in a terrible situation, it's been over twenty years since he got into this place, did he have a family before? A mother who cared for him? Maybe grandparents too? He wanted to learn more, but should he? 

"Hey, Damon..." He hesitated, "if you could tell me more about you, would you?"

"Yes," he replied in confusion, "I want to, but... I can't."

"It's okay, just look at me for a moment, will you?" Albert requested politely. Using his charmspeak again, he decided to ask, "Damon, will you tell me more about you? I want you to remember what is your quest."

"Huh... my quest?" The boy echoed blinking at him without breaking eye contact, "I was on a solo quest. I had to defeat an evil guy. I did it, but he left a book behind, a book he stole from someone. I wanted to get rid of it, but I was so tired... I ended up here."

"Why would you want to get rid of it?" Albert couldn't help but ask.

"I don't know, he wanted it too much, other demigods and legacies were defeated by him before," Damon replied frowning, "I was... lucky. He was distracted when I got to him. I think the Book might be dangerous."

"Do you still have it?" Albert asked, he was getting curious, maybe this was something useful for him. "Will you show it to me?"

"Yes..." Damon replied. "It's junk though... It doesn't open. The guy was trying to make it open, but he failed."

The taller boy took Albert by the hand and walked him towards one of the suites, number 3721, Damon invited him in. The suite was different from his own with his companions, there was only one room, and the decor was very end of the 90's. The boy took a huge tome from his backpack and handed it over to him.

"I don't know what this is... I can't read it," He said almost stuttering again, he was blushing for some reason, "Maybe I am just too thick to get it. I think people told me that I was a bit dumb before... I don't really remember."

Albert was fighting off the urge to blush too, he was in a stranger's room, even if this guy was terribly shy and awfully pretty and technically just a year older. This was still a bit too new for him. He wisely chose to focus on the book. Surprisingly, he could feel the Mist warped around the artifact. The title was written in Ancient Greek. 

Μυστικά της Μαγείας, the 'Secrets of Magic', by Circe.

The first thing Albert realized was how dangerous this thing could be in the wrong hands. The second was that this might be what he had been hoping to find in a place like this. Third, Damon had no idea what sort of Book he had been carrying for over twenty years on his backpack.

"Boring, right?" Damon suddenly asked. 


"I mean, it's just a book, right?" He said looking at the thing with disdain, "I can't believe that guy was so desperate to keep this old thing when he couldn't even open it!"

Ignorance might really be bliss sometimes... Albert conceded. He wanted this book for himself. Truth be told if he wanted he could just charmspeak his way into convincing the nice boy to hand it over to him when he was already planning to get rid of it. Still, he felt terrible about doing this.

"Damon..." Albert suddenly said, his heart beating like crazy, he was about to do something crazy, "Hypothetical question... What would you do if you could set free like a prisoner- a really nice guy really- who doesn't even know he is a prisoner?"

"Huh... I would set him free of course," The boy replied without missing a beat. "I mean, it's the right thing to do, right? Why?"

"Even if it meant forcing him to realize the time he lost and how bad it would hurt him?" At this point, Albert was so emotional that his voice threatened to crack under the pressure of his feelings. "His family might not even be alive anymore. What if he has no one to come back for?"

Damon was looking at him with a complicated gaze, almost as if he was trying to understand, but something was blocking him from getting there. He frowned in confusion again, before he quickly shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter. If you are not the one who got him imprisoned, it's not your fault. If you can release him, you should. A chance is better than no chance."

Albert went quiet at that. He is right, even if what happened to Damon was a tragedy that had nothing to do with Albert, he couldn't just abandon him here without hope of ever getting out. Maybe he still had some family alive. Maybe he had friends who were still waiting for him in Camp Jupiter. Maybe they still are. For some reason, they met and Albert had the power to help this guy. Roman or Greek, it didn't really matter, they were the same thing in the end.

Damon was a sweet guy who deserved a chance.

"Can I have the book?" Albert asked. 

"You wanted it? Sure, whatever.I don't know... Yes. It's my gift to you then, you won't forget me now."

Albert looked at him stunned again at his choice of words, what an ironic choice of words. Still, he chuckled as he held the book closer to his chest. Yes, he doubted he would forget this moment anytime soon. Albert was feeling a bit too mischievous now.

"Can come closer?" He asked.

"Wat-what what? Why?" The boy stammered and stuttered.

"I want to give you a gift in exchange for the book, so we'll be even."

"Oh... ok, then," The tall guy walked closer until he was standing very close to the other boy.

"You're too tall... I want to face you properly," Albert said helplessly with a small smile on his face and a terribly amused glint in his eyes.

Damon made a face as he awkwardly bowed his head a bit to face Albert directly. His face was a blushing mess. Albert could hear the guy's heart beating loudly on his chest because they were too close. He stared at Damon's blue eyes for what felt like a small eternity, as he felt the weight of this moment on his shoulders, hoping in his heart that life would be kinder for this Roman demigod boy. He hoped that he would adapt to this time and find someone waiting for him back home. For him to find new friends too and finally get to grow up like he should have done over twenty years ago.

Suddenly, without any warning, Albert placed a chaste quick kiss on Damon's forehead and smirked. 


"Listen to me carefully, Damon Blackwood, Son of Mars," Albert interrupted him, he invoked his powers again, and he could see his eyes glowing in the reflection of Damon's eyes, "I want you to pack your things and leave this place. Forget the games. Forget the food. Avoid the staff of this place, they are not your friends. Once you're out... I want you to remember, remember who you were before you got here... It's all inside you," He paused and felt a lonely tear of sympathy fall off his face, this was a gamble he didn't need to do, but he was deciding to do it anyway, "Forget about me too if you must. You don't have to come back here for me either. I'll be fine. This place can't contain me. From then on, you'll be free."

Damon's eyes turned foggy and unfocused, he moved robotically, getting his backpack on and leaving the room without saying a word. Albert silently followed after him, just to make sure no one would get on his way again. Once Damon crossed the Lobby of the Lotus Hotel and Casino, he let out a loud sigh of relief.

"I hope you'll be fine out there, Damon," Albert found himself saying out loud. "Now, I should get my companions and get the hell out of this place."


Albert made his way back to the others, carrying their bags with him. He was feeling terribly emotional. He found Percy sitting with a stranger. He got next to them, and Percy didn't seem to recognize him at all. He felt a sense of crisis, he had underestimated the effects of the time dilation of this godforsaken place.

Percy, "Hey, Darrin?"


"What year is it?"

They frowned at me. "In the game?"

"Jackson," Albert interjected, moving Percy's face with his own hands to face him, he didn't hesitate to use charmspeak, "Snapp out of it! This place is dangerous, remember who you are and why we are here. Sorry for resorting to this, but we can't waste more time."

 "Albert!" Percy exclaimed. "Thank you..." He looked at the Darrin guy and nodded, "We need to find the others."

Albert and Percy both didn't waste time, the latter got his bad, and one of the others helped Albert as they ran to find the others. The guests were difficult to talk to without using charmspeak they found out. After a bit of a hassle, they found Annabeth.

The girl was busy building her city on a 3D holographic game, that looked like it came straight from a Marvel movie.

"Come on," Albert told her using his power. "We've got to get out of here, remember who and what you are. We are on a quest, daughter of Athena. We still need to find Grover, I think I saw him dancing Single Ladies before with a couple of girls."

"We need to leave. This place is a trap," Percy added in agreement. "there are people here from 1977. Kids who have never aged. You check in, and you stay forever. Listen. The Underworld. Our quest!"

Her vision cleared. "Oh gods...," she said. "How long have we—"

Percy shook his head, "I don't know, but we've got to find Grover."

They went searching and found him quickly, he was still playing Virtual Deer Hunter with a pleased and vindicated look as he shot another ugly redneck.

"Grover!" they both shouted.

The satyr did not pay them any attention and yelled at the screen, "Die, human! Die, silly polluting nasty person!"

"Grover!" Percy yelled back.

 The young goat boy turned the plastic gun on him and started clicking as if his best friend were just another image on the screen. Percy looked at Annabeth, and together we took Grover by the arms and dragged him away.

His flying shoes sprang to life and started tugging his legs in the other direction as he shouted, "No! I just got to a new level! No!"

The Lotus bellhop hurried up to us. "Well, now, are you ready for your platinum cards?"

"Piss off!" Albert replied with a furious gaze, using his charmspeak, "Go away! Forget about us!"

Grover reached for the card, but Annabeth yanked back his arm and said, "No, thanks."

They walked toward the door, and as they did, the smell of the food and the sounds of the games seemed to get more and more inviting. The magic of the place was strong, inviting, and tempting, the promise of a good night and sleep in a real bed for once.

Still, it was nothing against a pissed-off son of Aphrodite well versed and extraordinarily powerful.

They burst through the doors of the Lotus Casino and ran down the sidewalk fastly as if the. It felt like afternoon, about the same time of day we'd gone into the casino, but something was wrong. The weather had completely changed.

It was stormy and the sky was roaring with strong winds, with heat lightning flashing out in the desert. Zeus was mad.

Ares's backpack was slung over Albert's shoulder. He knew this was their most prized potential and soon the spell of Ares would finally be lifted.

Percy ran to the nearest newspaper stand and read the year first out loud, "Thank the gods, it was the same year it had been when we went in." He said with a loud sigh of relief, that he noticed something else, "it's June the tenth!"

 We had been in the Lotus Casino for five days.

 We had only three days left until the summer solstice and the last day of their quest. They needed to complete the quest as fast as possible now.

Albert found some comfort in the situation as he remembered meeting a certain Roman demigod, acquiring a strange artifact, setting this boy free, and maybe, just maybe changing things for the better for the Romans too. He failed to calculate the days outside with the time inside, but he was still better than the original timeline. He got them two extra days! He was gald he got that at least.