Unpacked and ready to rumble

I'm done unpacking, I'm free to do whatever the fuck I want, I have plenty of time to explore the academy too.

And plus I'm sharing my room with two girls and to my surprise, I know them both. There is one bunk bed and one single bed, of couse I took the single bed. But I am a bit angry that the room has nothing else to offer, it's empty.

I only see a Single desk and cupboard, wait are we suppose to share the desk oh come on. I know students are expected to spend most they're time studying, seriously one desk that's all we get. Hmm I guess there no room for pleasure here.

"What do you guys want to do then" Sharon asked

" I'm still unpacking, you guys can go on ahead." Kayla replied.

Wow she finally spoke ,I guess she's finally opening up. Although she's a red band she's so cold.

"I'm thinking of heading to the gym" I know she's a girl but are all girls normally as strong her. "It might be to intense for you" I said

"Intense, back home I worked out 24/7. Besides I also need to train too to become as strong as ....." She then paused for a while

Yeah I don't remember who I want to beat"

The three of us laughed and then Sharon and I then headed to the Gym. Sharon was in tights and a pink sports bra, ' I really need to stop looking at her butt ' . Suddenly Sharon leaned closer.

" What's wrong Michael your face is all red"

"Nothing. everything is fine" I replied covering my face.

Finally we have arrived at the training center.

"What the hell is that purple orb, it's hovering above all the training equipment".Sharon asked

" Oh those are training stats, they show how much progress a individual has made every time he/she comes here" Sharon said with a smile on her face.

" Wow technology never seems to never disappoint " Sharon said

"Yeah technology has come a long way" I say to her

'I should stop looking at her boobs, she might think I'm a pervert'

We then went to the pull-up bars, Sharon was amazing she had done 76 pull-ups in only five minutes, While I did 84 . the whole reason I wanted to train with her was to see how strong she was . Hmm this is not going as planned. Soon after we did 30 squats and 20 push ups.

" Hmm I'm beat, I should probably head back." I was drenched sweat

"Wait, let's hit the track" Sharon says to me.

"No." I replied

"Come on, are you scared of losing" she said while I was walking away.

"Yes, yes I am!"

I then left the training hall having completed our training . I wonder what i should do now. " I think I'll head to the library"

"Hey I'm leaving"

"Alright catch you later" Sharon replys while doing press ups.

I finally arrived ,the library really is huge. It has multiple Square shapeded desks full of students in the middle of the table was black tablet.

"Ahh, you're probably wondering what that black tablet is aren't you" As I look at the back of me i see Chris. " I looks like they don't have them at public schools. If you input information on the tablet, the book with the specified information you've chosen will be transported to ."

"What are you doing here" I say

" I go where the wind takes me man" he replies looking around the library.

"I'll head to history section"

In the history section there were hundreds of books, some were really old and almost looked like they had been here for a really long time. I grabbed as many random books as I could.

I found a table which was not occupied, After reading several books I found nothing about extremise. I already knew about most of abilities the books talked about but non mentioned an ability like mine. I noticed Chris had been a close eye on me even asking questions like "Why are you reading these types books" sooner or later I had to ask.

I thought about it for a while before giving Chris an answer. Chris was not the brightest person when it came to academics but he was quite knowledgeable about abilities.

"I'm trying to find out more about my ability, since the school does not know either" 'they also don't know about my other abilities.'

"Oh right, you have that light manipulation ability.You know some even say that you are going to be a weapon to the military man" Chris replied "Well is there anything specific you're looking for?"

"Not really, I have no clue. There is one that said something interesting though, have you heard of a person who can wield more than one ability."

Chris suddenly started to laugh out loud.

"Are you crazy man , that's impossible I've never of something like that happening . Abilities are something that our bodies are born with. Sure some try to buy gentubes to obtain abilities but once they have them they can't obtain more ."

Damn now i feel a dumbass, of cause I know

this would be the normal reaction when asking something like this but it's true.

As long as I was in sunlight my light ability would get stronger. I continued my search in the library to see if there was anything else to find. I had finally gone through every single ability book I could find but nothing.

'Another dead end , If only I could access the school database but I can't imagine what the academy would do to me for breaking the rules.' I thought.

Right now there is nothing I can do. "Time to head back"

As I was walking through the school hallway, I could see a kid being pushed against the wall by another student. The girl on the wall looked like she had been hit a few time's and had a marking on his face.

'I wonder who that could be.'I thought

I managed to catch a glimpse of the boys band and saw the colour on it indicated that the boy had a orange band. I surprised at the person doing the bullying was very weak himself which was a rare occurrence.

On the other hand the girl being pushed around had yellow band. The only one's the Orange bands could bully were yellow bands. As I walked closer I soon realized that the one who was against the wall was actually a girl I had come from earth with.

She had pink hair and had a steady figure but right now she was being destroyed.