To Slowly Move On [Finale]

A 10-year-old Akira was happily walking home with his sister. They were having fun talking to each other.

"Heh, Look at this, I got first place in my exam today Sakura." He rummaged around the inside of his bag and pulled out a piece of paper. It had a "100" marked on it along with "5+ marks for good handwriting"

Sakura looked at her brother with stars in her eyes. "Wow~" She took the paper from Akira and started fumbling around with it.

"Will we go out to celebrate with Papa and Mama then?" The expectations in her voice could be clearly heard as she started drooling imagining all the tasty food she could eat.

Akira lightly bumped her on the head and said while laughing "Piggy Sakura, half your food is mine." He spoke as if he was the ultimate decision-maker.

"I'm not a pig you're a pig," She said while pouting "My food is mine, yours is yours".

"Aww, you mad?" He teased her with a mischievous smile on his face.

"I'M NOT!" She immediately turned towards him and yelled as loud as she could.

"Why are you screaming?" He said after checking if his ears were still functioning or not.

She didn't answer him and puffed her cheeks.

Seeing her like that he could only comfort her.

"Fine, Fine, I won't take your food." He patted her head while walking.

Enjoying the head pat she glanced at him and muttered "Really?"

Since he was standing close to her he clearly heard her. Giving her a thumbs up along with a bright smile he said "Yeah!"


"But you said the same thing last time."

"Oh yeah Sakura, My friend told me about this amazing thing called Anime." He dodged her gaze and changed the topic.

"But isn't cartoon anime as well Onii-Chan?"

Akira's eyes widened as he quickly covered her mouth and nervously looked around. Sakura's face was full of puzzlement as she was startled by the sudden move by Akira.

Seeing no one in the surroundings he looked at her and said "Shhh, Don't call Anime cartoons Sakura, My friend told me that some people known as 'Weebs' and 'Otakus' would attack anyone that calls anime cartoons."

Sakura frantically nodded her head. Seeing that he sighed in relief and started walking with her again. He grabbed the paper from her hand and put it carefully back in his bag. He wanted to surprise his parents.

Along the way, he said a lot of things about anime that were told to him by his friend, and Sakura was also growing very interested as her curiosity increased.

After a little while, they reached their home,

"Shh, Let's surprise the nanny" Akira whispered into her ear.

Sakura excitedly nodded her head.

They opened the door and slowly tiptoed inside.


Akira and Sakura flinched from the sudden shout. Akira gulped nervously while saying "That sounded like Dad, Right Sakura?"

Sakura fearfully nodded her head.

"YOU! YOU CHEATED ON ME AND I'M A BITCH? Go kill yourself!"

Standing at the edge of the door of the room Akira and Sakura peeked inside and saw the angry faces of their parents.

On the couch was sitting a man that was about 180 cm tall with black hair slicked back. He was wearing a black suit, he had a slim and lean body.

His eyes were black and he had a handsome face, But currently, his expression was that of one filled with frustration.

Across him was a slender woman that had long pure white hair that reached her waist and beautiful pink eyes that held rage in them.

"Hmph, Stop acting so entitled and stop believing in retarded people that tell you anything." He harumphed and continued drinking his tea.


She grabbed the cup from his hand and smashed it to the ground as tea splashed everywhere.

His eyes widened as he clenched his fists in anger, Taking a few deep breaths he calmed down.

"You did not answer me. WHY DID YOU CHEAT ON ME!?"

"I. Did. Not. Cheat. On. You. Artoria." He said it word by word in a deep voice.

"Then what's the meaning of this Yuki?"

Artoria took out her phone and showed an image on it. It was of Yuki and some naked girl sleeping together in the bed of a hotel room.

Yuki's eyes widened as he saw the photo.

"Artoria I don't recall that event and I'm sure I never slept with the women in the image. The day of the party we were all drunk and left towards our houses, but when I woke up I was with this random woman in the bed but I was sure I was wearing my pants, So nothing happened between us." He could tell what was going on. Someone was trying to ruin his relationship behind the scenes.

He tried explaining himself but Artoria didn't listen to him. "It's all because of you! I would've never married you if I wasn't pregnant. Akira was your mistake, I didn't want to become a mother at the age of 22" Tears slid down her face as she vented all of the frustrations she had today.

"I-" He didn't know what to say, After all, if he were in her situation he would never believe such a ridiculous explanation. But the fact she didn't believe in him one bit hurt him.

What he didn't know was that just outside the room was his own son that was now doubting his life.

'Does that mean Dad and Mom don't love me? Was I a mistake? Did they never want me?'

He felt his heart crack. He wanted to proudly show off his grades to his parents and then they would happily celebrate together but now his parents were saying that he was never wanted.

Did no one love him? His eyes grew wet as he silently sobbed.

Too bad he didn't know that sometimes people say things they don't mean in anger and by the time he would realize it his relationship with his parents would never be able to mend.

Sakura glanced at him and saw his wet eyes. She knew that her mama was the reason he was crying but she didn't know the exact reason.

She didn't like seeing him like that, He was her brother, He was the strongest and the coolest. He shouldn't cry.

She ran into the room interrupting the arguing couple and yelled "MAMA PAPA WHY ARE YOU FIGHTING!!"

Looking at their 9-year-old daughter both of them were startled as Artoria came towards her and picked her up.

"What are you doing here Sweety? When did you come from school?" She softly asked her youngest child.

"We just came back," She said and looked away from her mom not wanting to look at her.

"Where's your brother?"

"He's right there." Sakura pointed towards the door and Yuki walked over to check but when he reached the door he realized no one was there.

"Hmm?" He went towards his room and tried opening the door but it was locked from the inside.

"Akira, you there?" He knocked on the door and tried to persuade Akira to open the door but he got no response in return.

Artoria also arrived over there with Sakura in her arms.

Yuki looked at Artoria but didn't say anything and asked Sakura "Honey, Why has your brother locked himself in his room? Did something happen in school?"

Sakura quickly shook her head "No, You and Mama were fighting when he suddenly started crying."

Both of their eyes widened as Artoria's were now filled with guilt and regret while Yuki's eyes were full of anger.

"Bitch, You can't even control yourself, Now look at what you've done" He cursed at her.

Sakura also glanced at her mama and said "Yeah, Mama Bitch"

While she didn't know what it means she just felt like repeating what her papa said.

Artoria's eyes widened hearing her daughter curse at her. She put her down and knocked her on the head "Shh, Bad manners Sakura go to your room." She motioned for her to leave.

Sakura puffed her cheeks in anger and ran back to her room while yelling "MAMA BITCH"

Tick marks appeared on Artoria's forehead as she looked at her husband in anger who was

smirking at her.

She knew it wasn't time to argue with him so she tried to persuade Akira to open the door as well but Akira didn't respond to them.

They kept on trying to get him to open the door but after an hour of unsuccessful attempts they gave up.

"This is not over Yuki and I'm not forgiving you." Said Artoria while Yuki didn't respond to her.

They glared at each other before they left to complete the work they both had pending thinking that Akira might come out himself in a few hours.

After all, he was just a 10-year-old kid, They could cheer him up by giving him some gifts or taking him to the amusement park later.


Sakura sat on her chair and took out her diary,

Flipping a blank open she wrote, "Day 1206 With Onii-Chan"

"Dear Diary,

Today me and Onii-chan talked about anime and he also warned me about Otakus and Weebs. Anime sounded pretty cool I wanted to watch it with Onii-chan but Mama and Papa started fighting and Mama said something which made Onii-chan sad and he isn't coming out of his room. Papa was right Mama's a bitch, but I don't know what a bitch is so I'll ask Onii-chan later."

Hiding her diary she turned the computer in front of her on.

She opened google and typed "How to make Onii-chan happy?"

Looking at the several results she nodded her head as if she was understanding everything written and started making plans on what to do.

But everything was too complicated or things that she wouldn't be allowed to do so she just chose the easiest advice on Google "Sleep with your brother"


At the dinner table at night, every member of the family was gathered.

Artoria started serving everyone food including Yuki. After giving everyone their portion of the food she sat down.

Tick marks appeared on Yuki's forehead as his lips twitched.

"Why is there no meat in my food?" He asked calmly as he glanced at the meat-filled dishes of the other three.

"Get it your self I don't care." All he got was a blunt response from Artoria.

He glared at her for a minute but he didn't want to start something in front of the kids.

"Tsk, Bitch" He left to take his portion while softly cursing at her.

"Yeah Mam-" Before Sakura could complete her sentence Artoria glared at her causing her to flinch.

"Unfair" Mumbled Sakura under her breath as she looked down.

Artoria then glanced at Akira who seemed to be in a bad mood, Her eyes softened as she said "Are you still mad Akira?"

Akira glanced at her and seeing her warm expression his heart started melting but immediately the scene of her shouting that he wasn't wanted came to his mind so he ignored her.

Seeing him ignore her she felt sad "I didn't mean what I said Akira, Please forgive me."

Akira still ignored her and kept staring at his food.

Seeing him still ignore her she sighed and gave up. She would persuade him later.

Yuki came back but this time his plate was filled with a lot of meat.

After he sat down all of them joined their palms as they said,


Akira was the first to finish his meal and he immediately left towards his room.

Yuki wanted to talk to him but forgot about it since he was still mad at Artoria.

Sakura glanced at her papa and asked,

"Papa, What's a bitch?"

"Your Mom"

The response was instant as if he was stating a fact.

Artoria grinded her teeth in anger and snapped the chopsticks she was eating with in half.

Knowing that the atmosphere was not quite right Sakura quickly ate her food and ran back to her room leaving the two arguing couple alone.


A few hours had passed as everyone was sleeping peacefully.

Akira was lying on his bed as the words of his mother kept repeating within his mind. He wanted it to stop but for some reason it never did.

He didn't get what he wanted to hear.

His father didn't even say anything to him while his mother never once said she loved him or wanted him.

It was the same as hitting is a friend with the soccer ball and then saying he didn't mean it.

He felt really alone.

It was then that he heard the sound of his door opening. Hope appeared in his eyes as he wondered if it was maybe his dad or mom.

Would they apologize to him and say they love him a lot?

But all he saw was Sakura with her pillow in her hands coming in wearing her teddy bear pajamas.

He was disappointed.

"Onii-Chan can I sleep with you?" She asked while fiddling with her fingers.

She was too cute for him to say no so he agreed.

She happily climbed onto his bed and tightly hugged from the side.

He also hugged her back.

An hour passed but Akira was still awake while Sakura was sleeping. He was trying to sleep but for some reason, he wasn't able to.

Looking over to the side he saw his sister sleeping peacefully.

It was then that he heard her mumble something "I love you Onii-Chan~mmm"

Akira's eyes widened hearing that and he felt warmth in his heart.

Yes, He still had his sister who loved him, Who cared if they loved him or not. As long as Sakura was by his side everything would be fine.


[End]~ 2400 Words

This marks the end of the,

1st Volume- The Past

The Second Volume would be the MHA Arc.

Every world will have its respective Volume.