Cyril's New Life

Cyril opened his eyes.

The Tree of Life suddenly stopped beating its "heart".

For the past five days, this is the first time the oasis became extremely silent. Well, it wasn't that noisy before since he has gotten used to the sound of the heartbeat near him. It just feels more peaceful now as he could hear the movements of fish in the nearby pond.

"Is it here?" Cyril muttered as he looked above. He's obviously waiting for the Tree of Life to give him the Fruit of Life he's been waiting for.

He thought that the fruit will actually be a fruit that he has to take from the tree. Something that he can only do after fighting powerful monsters and perhaps, even fighting against the various kings of the intelligent races that are guarding this secret.

However, contrary to his expectations again, the Fruit of Life was actually given to him by a branch that came down to him!

"I got three! Hahaha!"