Chapter 9 - Students from Kyoto

When Gojo and Sachiko went back to where Itadori was left, Itadori was sleeping on the field of flowers.

"Oh, Yuuji-kun is sleeping! What should we do? Should I pull a prank by leaving him here?" Gojo said in a teasing tone.

"Gojo sensei!" Sachiko sighed.

"Hahaha" Gojo laughed as he took some photos.


Gojo woke Itadori up in the end because of the glare Sachiko was giving him.

Then, he gave on a speech about how he hoped everyone gets strong enough to deal with cursed spirits of this level.

"So, Yuuji and Sachiko, I'll train you this month. You're going to be fighting with me." Gojo said.


"Will we even be alive after that?" Itadori and Sachiko said at the same time which made Gojo laugh in amusement.


On the next day,

"Where's Itadori? I haven't seen him all day. Wasn't he supposed to be training for good will event?" Nobara said she proceeded to buy a drink from the vending machine.

"Gojo sensei said he'll train me and Itadori." Sachiko replied to her as she drank a mouthful of soda.

"Oh is he?" Megumi blinked.

"Yeah, he's watching movies while holding a special puppet made by principle Yaga." Sachiko said as she recalled yesterday.

"Is that so? "Megumi replied, then frowned and asked, "Then what're you doing here?"

"I sneaked out to get a drink, of course." Sachiko said.

'How did you even sneak out?' Megumi thought.

Sachiko sighed after a while, "But I'll have to go back soon. I still need to train my cursed energy manipulation technique." Since it was her main offensive technique for combats, she needed to perfect it. That was what Gojo said, anyway.

Nobara was complaining about having too little vending machines.

Then, they saw two people coming to them.

"Why're you here, Zenin senpai?" Megumi asked.

"Oh, they give off similar vibes. Are they sisters?" Nobara said.

"They're twins." Megumi replied her.

"Oh, you're twin sister of Maki senpai?" Sachiko asked as she walked to her. "You really look similar."

"Fushiguro, if you call me I'll be the same with Maki. Call me Mai." Mai winked.

"I heard one of you defeated a special grade curse. I, Todo Aoi, want to see for myself if it is really true." Todo said.

"Oh, if you're saying about the one in Juvenile detention center, I think I'm the one who exorcised it." Sachiko said with a smile.

"Then, fight with me. I want to see what you're made of." Todo said.

"Umm...I'll pass." Sachiko replied.

"Why?! Are you afraid?" Todo raised his eyebrows.

"No. Just not in the mood." Sachiko said with a sigh. Gojo sensei already made her fight with him for a few times today and she didn't even want to hear the word 'fight' anymore. That was the reason she sneaked out to get a drink in the first place.

Sachiko continued, "I just want to take a break and drink soda peacefully."


'Is this the time to drink soda?' Megumi facelpalmed.

"If I said let's fight , you'll fight. Even if you're a woman, I'll have to fight with my full power."

Todo said as he charged towards Sachiko who was standing near Mai. Sachiko sighed as she dodged to the side.

"Hey, didn't she say she don't want to fight ? Why're you forcing her?" Nobara shouted Todo.

"Then, I'll fight with Fushiguro. But, before that, tell me what kind of woman you like." Todo said.

"Is it even the time to ask this?" Megumi gritted his teeth as he thought, 'Kugisaki is unarmed right now. It's best if we could avoid a fight.' Megumi said slowly, "I don't have any preferences. As long as she isn't easily swayed, I don't ask for anything else."

Kugisaki said, "Good answer. If you said you like big breasts or something like that, I was going to kill you."

Megumi replied, "Shut up."

Sachiko laughed.

Todo cried and said Megumi was so boring, then he charged forwards to Megumi. Megumi was knocked down by Todo and Mei smiled, "I feel sorry for Fushiguro. He's a genius who enrolled as a grade 2 Jujutsu sorcerer and yet he's nothing but a first year in front of our Todo senpai."

"You looked similar to Maki senpai yet I think Maki senpai is a hundred times more beautiful than you. Do you lack sleep? Your pores are huge." Nobara said to her.

"I'll teach you how to talk nicely"

Mei gritted her teeth , then pointed her gun towards Kugisaki.

"If you don't want to see your classmate getting hurt, don't move, Nakamura. You said you didn't want to fight, right?" Mei said and Sachiko wondered how she knew her name. It wasn't important now, though.

Sachiko glanced towards Megumi and saw Todo beating up Megumi. Megumi had blood trailing down from his head and Todo didn't look like he was stopping anytime soon.

"Don't you think you're going too far?" Sachiko finally said. "Messing around is still fine but if you think you could just beat my classmates and leave, then, you're wrong."

Sachiko was behind Mai in a flash and kicked her down. The kick was infused with enough cursed energy so that Mai couldn't get up for a while. She then sent a blast of cursed energy towards Todo. Todo stopped targeting Megumi and sent a punch towards Sachiko. Sachiko dodged and made a katana out of cursed energy to attack Todo. As she exchanged some blows with Todo, she knew she could overpower him in one move if she put enough cursed energy in it but she wasn't going to skip a free training.

"Is that all? If it is, you're weaker than I thought. So, I don't have a choice but leave you half-dead here. You'll just make the event more boring." Todo said.

"Oh, is that so? But, I'm sorry to disappoint you, senpai." Sachiko smiled as sweet as she could and changed the cursed energy katana into a fist-sized ball but increase the cursed energy concentration a little bit. Things could get complicated if she actually made a fatal move against a senpai so she could only change the shape of cursed energy into a less-offensive one. And she ended up with a fist-sized ball.

Todo was blasted away by the impact of the cursed energy ball. " this power?" He looked at Sachiko who was now beside Megumi.

"Are you okay? Sorry I didn't interfere earlier. I didn't think they would actually go too far."

"It's fine. It's not like you have to protect me or something." Megumi replied.

Todo got up and prepared to charge towards her again.

"Don't move." Todo heard Inumaki say and he couldn't move anymore. Panda kicked him while he was frozen in the spot.

"So, this is solved then." Sachiko clapped her hands, then, turned to Megumi.

"Is it really fine? Do you want me to heal your wounds?"

"I will be fine. You shouldn't waste cursed energy like this. You were saying you still need to train your cursed energy manipulation technique after all." Megumi replied.

Sachiko said, "Nah, it isn't wasting if it is healing injuries. Also, it's not like I'm going to run out of cursed energy. I have a lot. Okay? Now stay still."

"Why do I feel like you're babying me?" Megumi made a face which is really similar to a pout.

"Awww, it's because you look like a tsundere little brother. You were worried about me running out of cursed energy and being unable to train, right?" Sachiko teased him.

"I didn't say it like that!" Megumi said.

"Really? But I'm quite sure I heard it like that. Come on, don't be shy. I'll heal your injuries." Sachiko said as she literally grabbed Megumi who was trying to escape.

Megumi grunted as he murmured, "You're as annoying as Gojo sensei."

Sachiko laughed at that.


"So, where were you, Sachiko?"

Sachiko bumped into Gojo at the entrance. She blinked.

"Umm..I went out to get a soda? The weather was so hot, after all."

Gojo looked like he was heartbroken as he said, "And you didn't get one for me? How cruel.."

"...You didn't say you want one."

"It's because you didn't tell me you're sneaking out to get soda." Gojo said.

Sachiko blinked. Twice.

Gojo then looked at her and said, "Did you have a fight?"

"Maybe." Sachiko said.

"Then , did you beat them up?" Gojo asked in a light tone.

"Uh huh." Sachiko subconsciously nodded. When she noticed what she did, her face became pale.

Gojo then said, "How nice of my student to sneak out during training and pick a fight.. Maybe she wants some extra training ?"

"Please don't.." Sachiko looked like she wanted to cry.

"Haha but I already made a special plan for you! You're going to deal with a special grade curse!" Gojo said and Sachiko realised Gojo was just dumping his work on you.

"But aren't special grades usually exorcised by special grade Jujutsu sorcerers ? or at least grade 1s?"

"You're as strong as a special grade now. There's no need to worry!" Gojo said.


Sachiko sighed. Why did she feel like he wasn't reliable at all?

"Now, now, don't make that face. I'll buy you dinner when you come back." Gojo said as he handed her a file.

"Fine." Sachiko sighed again as she took the file and looked at it. The curse was in Tokyo so if she left now, she could probably come back just before dinner time.

Sachiko looked at Gojo and said , "Then, don't complain if I ended up dragging you to an expensive restaurant, sensei!"

Itadori was waiting for Gojo to finish speaking with Sachiko so that he could ask him a question. But, seeing Gojo and Sachiko teasing each other, he awkwardly stood there.