Chapter 38 - Shopping and Kitchen Disasters

Sachiko woke up to an empty bed in the morning. So, after washing up, she went to find him.

As soon as she went out of the bedroom, she smelled a warm buttery smell coming from the kitchen.

"Satoru's cooking something ?"

Sachiko made her way to the kitchen quickly at the realization.

Indeed, Gojo was making pancakes.

Sachiko saw Gojo flipping the fluffy pancakes as she walked into the kitchen.

"Oh, you're up now. You want pancakes?" Gojo turned to ask her. Sachiko nodded eagerly.

"They look delicious. Do you always make breakfast like this?"

"When I'm not too busy" Gojo answered.

"Makes sense."

"So, how many pancakes do you want?" Gojo asked, putting the finished pancakes into a plate.


"Four then." Gojo hummed.

"I said two. Not four."

"Yeah, but you should eat more for breakfast and you look like you need to eat more sweets."

"And why is that?"

"Well, you look stressed lately. Don't we all need sweets for that?" Gojo said as he made more pancakes.

"I don't even like sweets that much." Sachiko sighed. However, she continued after a while, "Three."


"I can't eat four pancakes but three's fine.. I guess." Sachiko said.

"Okay, wait a minute." Gojo said with a chuckle before turning his attention back to the pancakes.

After a minute or so, the pancakes were done. Gojo put three pancakes onto another plate and then brought the two plates to the table.


Gojo hummed, then walked to the fridge to get some syrup to eat with pancakes.

"Want syrup? I have chocolate, strawberry, maple and honey, of course." Gojo asked while getting the bottle of maple syrup for himself.

"Umm..I'll pass on that."

"You sure?" Gojo raised an eyebrow.


"Suit yourself then." Gojo then poured down a lot of syrup into his plate and once again, Sachiko was amazed by the amount of sugar Gojo could eat.

Knowing that Sachiko was staring at him, Gojo teased, "Can I know why my dear Sachiko's staring at me? Does she want to give me kisses?"


"Yes, Babe. I'm listening." Gojo said in a flirty tone.

"Why're you calling me that?"

"Don't you like it? Then what about sugarpie? or sugar? honey? or sweets?" Gojo said after thinking for a while.

"Why is everything about sweets?" Sachiko pouted.

"That's because I like sweets. Shouldn't I give you a nickname into something I like?"

"I don't think that's how it works." Sachiko muttered.

"Yeah, but don't you like it, sweets? or would you prefer if I just call you sugar?"

"Satoru...stop it." Sachiko blushed at the nicknames Gojo kept calling her and Gojo being himself, continued giving her sweets-related nicknames. Helpless, Sachiko could only look at the plate as she ate her pancakes.


Sachiko heard the phone camera sound and looked up. It turned out that Gojo took his phone and took a few pictures of her.

"Photos again?"

"You looked cute." Gojo said with a laugh.

"At least tell me when you're going to take photos."

Then, Gojo took more photos of them having breakfast together. It felt nice, so nice that he couldn't help but feel worried that this would also be taken away from him. It wasn't like it hadn't happened before.


Sachiko's voice brought him back to his senses. He grinned and said, "After eating, let's go shopping."

Sachiko frowned, "But I thought we were going to talk know.."

"We can do that later. Besides, we've planned whatever we can. You deserve a break, sugar. Not to mention going out to buy some stuff you need." Gojo said.


"Alright, no more talking. Let's eat!"

"You're the one who's talking." Sachiko said.

"That's true." Gojo said with a grin.


After breakfast, Gojo and Sachiko went to a mall.

"Look at those pajamas. Aren't they cute?"

Gojo pointed to the matching pajamas for couples.

"We should totally get one." He said.

"Huh?" Sachiko blinked.

"Come on, we can wear it when we go to bed!"

"Why do I feel like you're enjoying this too much?" Sachiko asked.

"It's because I am." Gojo hummed.

Sachiko was speechless.

"Anyway, isn't this too much?" She said with a blush.

"Too much what? I just know we will look so good together if we wear couple pajamas." Gojo said as he walked to the salesgirl, "We'll take those pajamas."

"Satoru, wait."

The salesgirl was in the midst of getting the pajamas from the shelf but paused.

"Oh, no no. Please continue. My girlfriend's just shy." Gojo said with a grin.


"What, sweets? You wanna try it on first?"

"Satoru, that's not it."

"Oh right, you still need some clothes which are not pajamas." Gojo nodded to himself.

"How about we buy the whole store ? Would you like that, sugar?"

At this point, the salesgirls were looking at Sachiko in envy which made Sachiko blush harder.

"Satoru, you're embarrassing me."

"What? I just wanna take good care of you~~" Gojo said in an extremely flirty tone.

"Stop it already." Sachiko didn't think her face could get any redder but somehow, it did.

And, it took a lot of to persuade Gojo not to actually buy the whole store just to tease her. However, Gojo still insisted to buy a lot of clothes for her and Sachiko couldn't even disagree.

"Look at this black jacket. You're gonna look pretty bad-ass in it." Gojo said while picking up a black jacket with a hood.


"Come on, you need to get this." Gojo purred.

"Okay, fine." Sachiko said with a sigh. "But, seriously we need to stop buying more clothes."

Gojo whined, "Don't be like that, sugar."

"No, we already bought so many and I don't even need that much, Satoru."

"Fine but we're going to buy a lot of snacks after this." Gojo said.


After buying the jacket , they went to buy groceries at a grocery store. Gojo being Gojo, he put a lot of sweets and snacks into the cart.

"Satoru, I don't think we need half of the items in the cart." Sachiko said with a sheepish smile.

"No, no, we need those!"

"I'm sure we don't but you're still gonna get those no matter what so..yeah." Sachiko gave up, at this point.

"Oh, wait, is that a stuffed dinosaur?" Gojo said.

"We should totally get that." Sachiko said to which Gojo agreed.


After spending a ton on unnecessary toys and snacks, they went to check out. Fortunately, Sachiko remembered to grab some Salmon, meat and noodles so that they could actually eat some decent home-cooked meal after spending a lot on groceries.

Then, Sachiko said she will cook and Gojo agreed, oblivious to the big mistake he just made.

"Isn't it just smoking salmon? It can't be that hard right?" Sachiko said as she put the salmon in the pan after seasoning with unknown amount of salt and lemon.

After putting the pan onto the stove, she started to prepare to bake a cake.

"It's just putting cake mix into the oven. There's no way I could mess it up."

Except she did.

The burnt smell took over the whole house and it was fortunate Gojo came into the kitchen to check.

"Sachiko, do you smell the burnt smell. .."Gojo stopped as he finally caught on what was happening. The salmon was long burnt and the pan was already on fire. Sachiko also widened her eyes at the realization. Then, she quickly grabbed the fire extinguisher and sprayed onto the pan.

"At least, the fire stopped." She laughed nervously.

Gojo opened his mouth to say something but the loud noise coming from the oven distracted him. He walked to the oven to check when the oven exploded. Fortunately, his infinity was there to shield him from the explosion.

With the whole kitchen becoming a mess, Sachiko scratched her head , "Sorry, I...umm messed up."

Gojo ended up laughing at how the whole cooking mission ended up with a mess.

"Wait, you're not mad?"

"Nope, but you gotta admit that's pretty funny after all the talk you did." Gojo teased her while laughing till his eyes get teary.

"Well, I think I was pretty close to perfection. It just went downhill unexpectedly. " Sachiko said.

"No, sweets. You weren't." Gojo said as he put his hand on her head, ruffling her hair.

Sachiko gave a glare which Gojo pretended not to see. Then, he said as he stiffled a laugh, "Alright, let's clean this up and order pizza!"

"Okay." Sachiko nodded helplessly.

After ordering two large pizzas, they worked together to clean up the whole mess. As they cleaned the kitchen, Sachiko couldn't help but feel guilty after making such a mess.

"Satoru, I'm really sorry."

"Hm?" Gojo looked at her in surprise.

"What're you talking , sugar?"

"I literally burnt down your kitchen."

"Oh, that. That's not that bad. Actually, there were many ways that could end up in a bigger mess so I guess that's not terrible."

"Still, I wish I could make it up for you."

"Oh, sweets, you definitely can." Gojo said with a chuckle.

"Really? How?"

Gojo pushed her to the wall before leaning in to give a deep passionate kiss. His hands running on her body before they settled in her shirt.

He broke the kiss, then placed kisses all over her neck while running his hands on her breasts.


The hands flicked, fondled and pulled the pink bud making Sachiko at loss for words. Then, Gojo placed kisses on her collarbone before moving onto her chest. One hand sneaked into her panties and touched her folds.


Gojo chuckled as he drank in her hazed state before pulling her into a kiss, again. He was about to continue his assault when the doorbell rang.

" must be pizza delivery." Sachiko said with a red face.

"Right." Gojo nodded as he reluctantly let her go. He thought as he watched her fixing her clothes, 'Damn, it's always with the distractions.'
