
Ayana lay on her bed and closed her eyes for a moment, thinking about today's event.

In fact, Ayana wanted to go back home after the three tiresome days, but since she felt that Maria was really disappointed with the result, she decided to go out with Roman and Maria to the Blue Cafe. Ayana felt like she could read Roman's intention of wanting to celebrate their achievement. Like her, Roman must have realized Maria's frustration with the result and wanted to console the girl.

From what Ayana knew about Maria, the girl was obsessed with the military to the point that she wanted everything to be perfect when it came to the military subject. Ayana knew that Maria put all her blood, sweat, and tears into this test, so she might be disappointed in herself when their team got the third position. 

"Dear, congratulations on getting the second position on the individual test," Luca's voice made Ayana open her eyes and swiftly sat on the bed.