break the rules

Ella had sat quietly.

The girl did not say a word other than that greeting she gave or entered the Hall.

She didn't lift her sight. She kept looking at the ground.

It was like she doesn't want to be seen or seen.

It was a weird situation. If she had any intention of not attending that dinner, she could just apologize.

What are you waiting for?

Ah, it was true she couldn't do that. Because she was simply forced to be.

So those emojis on her face were the expressions of the face forced to attend the dinner party. It was pathetic.

That was a new Ella who can shut up and look at the ground.

But old Ella had fun.

It was all eyes on her. And she was the only star at the party - may be even now - all that stuff.

But that bothers the new Ella.

Anyway, she was just a Combs in that comic for the Queen.

Ella didn't need to talk.

Ella didn't need to look at the eyes.