Her Body Smell

(P.S.: Let's celebrate together for one hundred day streak of writing)

  Lily was initially reluctant to go into the room - she had every right to - but somehow she was enchanted. 

Lily was like she didn't have the decision to go into the room or not. 

She was enchanted. 

It was like she was being magnetized towards the man standing in front of her topless.

  Lily was six minutes ago cursing him and she cursing hell.

  Now here she was, standing at the door of his room when he asks her for an order or a request like he did if he asked her to come in, she hears it like it makes no sense at all.

But she was doing it anyway without logic and without mind. He was just doing it. Don't even think about it.

  Or without even thinking about the consequences.

Lily walked into his room and then locked the door behind her. He felt there was something different.

He felt something he missed.